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Hei og godkveld godtfolk

I dag når jeg skulle ta meg en tur inn på XP's "legg til og fjernprogrammer" ser jeg en haug med tomrom (masse) og må sitte å scrolle i 10 sek nedover med blanke sider Noen som vet hva syndromet er?

Ps.. Legger ved ett screencap
Jeg fant noe ved hjelp av google. Si fra hvis du vil ha det forklart grundigere.

On my computer, the problem was caused by the EACom Updater (something from playing Electronic Arts games on their website). I have no idea if the problem was specific to this program or if it was a fluke and caused by SP2, however, uninstalling it did fix the problem, and I can tell you how to find what's causing it for you.

First I went to the registry but there is a lot of stuff there I don't understand, so I left it alone. Then I remembered X-Setup (http://www.x-setup.net/) - this is the best program ever made for Windows. It lets you tweak all kinds of things - including the Add/Remove programs list.

So, open Add/Remove Programs, and open X-Setup. My version may be old and I honestly don't know if I have a trial, freeware, shareware or hacked version (but its probably worth buying), so you might have to adjust the instructions to fit yours. X-Setup uses a folder/tree structure, so dig down All X-Setup Pro Plug-ins->System->Software Installation->Add or Remove Programs List Editor. On the right-hand side it will give you a list in alphabetical order of what should be in your Add/Remove programs (so make sure you sort that by Name).

Now in Add/Remove programs find what items are before and after the strange black/striped/graphical area. Then find those same two items in X-Setup. Is there something listed between them?? In my case there was - the Electronic Arts EACom Updater.

If you get the same, or something else you don't need then you can uninstall it manually: Select the item, then click "Edit CMD.." Don't actually edit the command, just copy it (Ctrl-C). Then open a command window (Start->Run->cmd.exe) and paste (usually just right-click with the mouse) the command. Hit enter and it should uninstall whatever was causing the problem.

If it is something else, and it is something you need, you might want to contact Microsoft, because it is probably their bug. If you get the EA updater, we the people should probably contact Microsoft and EA.
Funotrait's Avatar
Tusen takk Funker fett..
Edit: Hvis noen lurer på hvilket program det var som fucka opp så var det Autocad