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  14 3844
Tid - Kr. Himmelfart, kl 2015
Dose - 1g tørket Golden teacher, 0,3 g tørket (husker ikke navnet)
Sted - Innendørs et sted i Norge
Hvem - Meg selv og kona

Jeg skrev dette til en subreddit, men tenkte kanskje noen her ville ha glede av å lese det også. Tegningene kommer senere.

I'm not an extremely experienced tripper, but I've done LSD probably 7-8 times, mushrooms 10-12 times, mescaline a few times and so on - but I've not experienced anything like last night.

My wife and I ate 1 gram dried Golden Teacher and 0,3 gram of ... I can't remember the name of it (it was supposed to be a good combo, according to my plug). It was strangely a quite mild trip, but also, absolutely incredible. It's the first trip where I've tried to use blindfolds, and just lie back and experience - and holy cow!

One of the first things I experience when putting the blindfolds on is this net of what seems like mycelium is just padding me, cradling me in, and my whole body just feels cuddled by this presence - then all of these tiny people just emerges with these incredibly kind smiles on their faces, and they approach me and while they're all giving me kisses and hugs, they tell me that they are either my actual forefathers or a way for me to communicate with our forefathers, I wasn't entirely clear on that. And there's this warm embrace that lasts for a good while, and I'm finding myself deeply touched, uncontrollably crying, but at the same time absolutely euphoric. It's like connecting with someone from the past, that you thought weren't there, but they were afterall.

Anyway, I draw a lot, and these mushroom people are telling me how either my art (or quite possibly art in general) is the langauge of the universe, it's this universal thing that connects us with the past and the future simultaneously. Anyways, I'm encouraged to keep on drawing and creating, as it's a form of spiritual communication, if you will, they tell me this over and over, like they want me to spread some sort of gospel, and I'm like "yeees, I accept, I will help you do this", haha.

Then it's like I'm taken to a banquet, full on absurd-theater with the most spectacular sights that can't really be described, it's just so gorgeous and beatiful - and it's like a party, but there's always something in the way ... I can't quite see the party, so I wonder what the problem is. And I always get stuck thinking about something, thoughts are racing at this point, so what exactly that gets me stuck is hard to describe - but what this mushroom entity is trying to tell me over and over again is - try to step back, listen to the silence, quiet down the noise - and when you do that, welcome back to the party! As soon as I managed to quiet down my mind, the party just erupts in these explosions of colors and joy, and I feel absolute bliss like I've never felt before.

And there's always this presence. It feels extremely powerful, but kind. I've felt presences on trips before, but not like this. Many times during the trip I was absolutely certain that I was in the presence of another sentient being, many many times more intelligent than myself. A lot of the time, it feels like I'm part of a sort of ceremony celebrating the universe and creation. At one point I'm seeing the life cycle of a person, and how the atoms that makes that person is recycled into the universe, and how the universe is this huge garden of different molecules that all interact with one another, and humans are this branch of reality that can actually push and direct the molecules. We're also just these experience pods that the universe uses to experience itself somehow, I saw humans on top of a cross section of the earth, and they were all tethered to this gigantic net of mycelium that perforated everything in the universe - and we were all part of the same breathing organism.

That was a recurring theme. It kept telling me, "the mushrooms is just a tool, what we're trying to tell you is that the entire universe is dependent on everything in it, and we're all part of the same thing". And there was this ... jokester funny vibe every now and then, like I was being lead in on a secret or something, I was laughing quite a lot, and every now and then the entitites came back to me and either hugged med or kissed me or something.
It was also emphasized a lot how much noise there is around us, and that we all had the capacity to quiet the noise simply by being aware of it existing. And that's like the secret. There's this plane of consciousness that's always accessible to us, if we just remember it, and at that place, in its own way, it's always a party or a sense of being allowed to just exist and be happy. "You deserve to be happy" just kept repeating itself.

Every once in a while, I had to go take a piss (in the real world), and met up with my wife - and incredibly - she had the same fucking experience! She had also met these mushroom entities, had hugged with them, and they had also spoken to her about the noise and about living without fear and so on! What! Incredible.

I was repeatedly told to seek out fellow mushroom heads to speak with them about my experience, so this is that. I was told repeatedly that there could come a time where using mushrooms in a religious context on a mass scale could be of great benefit to the human kind, but that it could also be used for sinister purposes, and that we should be aware of that. Having visited this plane is not some sort of VIP club pass, but an experience that should nurture compassion for all living beings in the universe. We're all struggling. Show compassion. Don't concede to cynicism and exclusion and so on.

Another thing that was repeated was how humans and mushrooms are this perfect symbiosis, it's a level of evolution or development if you will of the universe, where it can experience itself, and should therefore be cultivated. The mushrooms were sort of the guardians of this relationship, we're simply the experience vessels, but I also got the message that the mushroom entitiy took great joy in experiencing through us.

I know all of this sound a bit crazy, of course. I kept thinking how I would communicate this experience to people without sounding like a lunatic, but I'm not sure I can. The thinking during the trip is a thing to behold. It's very clear and concise, and a lot of times I felt I was being communicated through not only by what I was seeing and what I was being told from the outside (however that happened), but also by my own actual thoughts. Like there was this order and clearheadedness to my thoughts that aren't there in every day life.

Oh, and whenever all the information about how the universe were stiched together wasn't there, and the party erupted, the message was clear - it's all love on that plane of consciousness. It's all about love. Being friendly with everyone around you, kind hearted and showing compassion for other people's struggles. And every time I embraced that, the entitites just kissed me back in this huge cataclysmic erupting vortex of kisses - I had goosebumps over my entire body.

What an incredible experience it was. Yet, at the same time, I was never scared, and it actually felt like a pretty mild trip! I don't know how that can be, but it just felt so nice and gentle, I was never as far "away" as I've been on LSD, for instance. It was just so mellow, yet blissful at the same time.

So yeah, mushrooms eh? Damn. We can change the world. I'll post some of the artworks I drew later.
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Ja, sorry, her er den:
Crazy tegninger men orker ikke lese alt det der på engelsk sorry! Håper trippen var god
TLDR norsk versjon av trippen:

traff forfedrene mine, fikk en stor gruppeklem av disse (smilende soppfolk), sank ned i myselium som strakk seg over hele universet, så universet skapes og gjenskapes i en evig syklus, så mennesker som interfaces til en stor universell intelligens mye større enn vår nåværende fatteevne, ble invitert til kosmisk bankett, en fantastisk fest som også føltes som en religiøs innvielsesseremoni, lærte at man bare måtte stoppe opp (meditere), huske at støyen er der, for å kvitte seg med støyen, og med støyen borte når man et bevissthetsplan hvor tid opphører og alt er en fest, og selvsagt; en helt overveldende opplevelse av kjærlighet og enhet med alt i universet.

Jeg vet at mye av dette høres litt psykotisk ut, men jeg er ikke det, altså. Jeg hadde en veldig intens og fin spirituell opplevelse, men nå husker jeg opplevelsene bare som svært gode minner.
Sist endret av Kenosis; 27. mai 2022 kl. 23:39.
Kult! Heter soppsorten golden teacher eller var det flein? Opplevde du dette med bind for øynene eller fysiske halliser rundt deg med åpne øyne?
Soppen heter Golden Teacher, men samme virkestoffet (psilocybin). Jeg hadde for det meste bind for øynene og musikk på ørene.
Mr.Septik's Avatar
Kul rapport, selv om den var skrevet i engelsk målform, å helt syke bilder!

Tegner du til vanlig, som hobby eller bare rabla du ut det der ?

Er selv av den oppfatning at det eneste "rusmiddelet" som egentlig er det som er verdt å bruke tid/penger på, er sopp, i all hovedsak spiss fleinsopp, men er også åpen for at cubensis kan vere en god erstatning.

Kjøpte 10g Golden Teacher direkte av han som var "produktfordeler" for den operasjonen, og har både trippet og microdosert med den!

Fant kjapt ut av navnet og sånt, mye mer "barmhjertig" enn skikkelig potent fleinsopp, men dosert riktig, er det en absolutt delvis substitutt, om en ikke får plukket selv!

Siste turen min var faktisk med både GT og fjorårets flein Interessant blanding, ikke noe spesielt for min del, men er usikker på hvilken av de som "fylte ut" for virkningen til den andre, evt. om de kompletterte hverandre osv..

Noe var ikke som vanlig uansett hva det var, men ville 10/10 tatt blandingen igjen (lemon-tek) 2g tørket GT + 2g tørket flein, gitt anledningen ikke er feil, selv om det som regel "alltid" finnes en god anledning til psykadelika, sopp spesielt!":rolleyes

Har sikkert for mange turer på LSD bak meg, men er nå rimelig sikker på at det er sopp som er mitt stoff! Kan ta 10 tørka flein helt random og bli helt ute i to timer, men kan også ta heroiske doser med begge deler samtidig, uten at jeg helt klarer å finne "kosen" med LSD når det finnes sopp, men det er min mening og erfaring.

Beklager rant om sopp, men er hellig overbevist om at det må være en mening med at fleinsopp vokser fritt tilgjengelig. Spesielt når den gir oss det hva den gjør.

Høsten er tiden for høytid, og håper det blir fleinsoppidentifisering i år også, kanskje tilogmed veteranene i temaet glimrer med sine nypolerte "id-briller" og skjenker kunnskap og råd til nykommerne eller de rustne, og også alle de mellom!
Tegner til vanlig og, ja.

Min oppfatning er også at fleinsopp er litt "spissere"/sterkere, og kan fremprovosere mer intense opplevelser - og det gir jo mening, all den tid fleinsopp visstnok inneholder mer psilocybin pr gram enn cubensis. Det utrolige med min opplevelse var at den aldri opplevdes spesielt intens, det var ganske mildt hele veien, selv om alt som skjedde jo var ganske så utrolig.

Har selv også funnet ut at jeg foretrekker sopp. LSD varer for lenge, og meskalin er vanskelig å få i seg (smaker veldig bittert).

Dette må sies å være den mest spirituelle opplevelsen jeg har hatt på psykedelika, selv om andre opplevelser har vært "heftigere" - og jeg har veldig lyst til å komme i prat med andre som har hatt lignende opplevelser - det hadde vært interessant å høre hva de har opplevd. Spesielt mtp å møte denne "intelligensen".
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Det er jo somregel setting og ikke nødvendigvis dosering som er nøkkelen

Prater fortsatt med frøken om den gangen vi spiste 10 tørka flein hver... Alt begynte å leve og det ble mer å mer intenst, men en helt perfekt harmonisk ro hele veien, stødig som ett fjell.

Muligens den mest givende totalt sett, for vi snakker 8 timer ren eufori, som bare ble heftigere hvert minutt som gikk. Alle tanker var "plassert" og ordnet i, jeg lagte en liste over ting jeg burde gjøre,
som eks. å få fikset eventuelle feil på bilen, ordne ting som burde vert i orden generelt og rett og slett få orden.

Det heter seg at to motsetninger ikke kan være uten den andre, og sånn sett, ro og orden, vil jeg tro man kun kan oppnå det ene, ved å kunne oppnå det andre og motsatt.

Du får ikke betalt før lønna fra jobben/nav er kommet osv.

Beklager avsporingen!

Mektig impregnert av verkene dine! Burde fortsette å gjøre det ved tripping om det gir deg noe!

▼ ... mange måneder senere ... ▼
Dette er for sykt, rapporten din altså. Men på samme tid føler jeg meg såpass trygg på innholdet i din (og min) trip at jeg ikke lenger er i tvil. Det er ikke uten grunn at de kaller denne arten for golden teacher, for gjett om den viser oss noe.

Jeg svarer på dette fordi jeg har hatt en tripp som føltes tilnærmet identisk som din. På en lav dose golden teacher, hvor jeg kom i kontakt med et innsektslignende skikkelse som gav meg så, så mye kjærlighet og nærhet. Intelligensen! Herre fred for en følelse av intelligens og all-viten som møtte meg, akkurat som deg. Det var som om jeg ble vist hele livets utvikling og reise. Det jeg synes er aller mest sprøtt, men samtidig ikke sprøtt i det hele tatt, er hvordan jeg også ble vist livets sirkel gjennom et liv som ble levd og oppløst til atomer. Jeg poster like greit rapporten min her (også på engelsk), så kan du og andre se hvor vanvittig like disse trippene var.

Det tok meg en stund å prosessere denne trippen, og den endte forandret meg til det bedre og forme karriæreveien min videre.

Her er den. Jeg skriver den som et tilsvar til en på reddit som har møtt "gud" på cubensis:

"I have met something I call "the insect god" on a trip. It was a tremendous, mindblowingly beautiful and grand experience. One of the biggest experiences in my life. I was thought so much, and given so much.

Cant explain with word. But the experience WAS the SAME as yous! Literally the same. Even down to that feeling and though going “this can’t be happening, this can’t be true, it’s too profound, it surely must be the shrooms”.

I’ve written about it here before as an answer to a guy asking if others have experiences of the shroom as a literal voice, as McKenna put it. I will copy paste it here.

“Everything is connected is the answer. And that life is just "is", in the sense that there is not much more to do from your point of view than to live, and to live it with love. Live and spread love and dont dwell on the meaning of life because then you become so occupied inside your own mind that you miss the chance to spread the love.

I encountered this shroom beeing, in the form of a insect god, last summer. She gave me immense love, and I think was partly because I have plants on my balcony to cater to increased biodiversity, and because I work in that field and because I strive to increase biovidersity wherever I can in my work.

But also because I have "understood" (personally atleast) over the last years of tripping and meditation, or atleast formed a personal meaning of that - everything in life holds the same spark. There is no difference between me and an ant. The foundation of being a living creature, animated by the spark of life, that is what it is about.

Man I really wish I could have shown you guys the trip I had last summer on 1.5g of fine cubensis. I have never in my life experienced anything more beautiful. I lied in a dark room, on my sofa curled up in the fetus position, eyes closed.

I was in a forest of kelp made of light. Google "kelp". It was just like that, but the kelp was neon colored and swayed in the "wind". Black backdrop. Incredibly colorful. Beyond words.

A presence emerged. Manifested from millions of particles very small, (wow im almost getting tears in my eyes by writing his because how beautiful it was.. ). Like sand, millions of shiny particles, like atoms, swoshing like an ocean, and like a ball of sand would do if it casually flew past you. Windy.

The particles was there all the time, holding the creature together, forming the gist of it but also making it possible for it to shift in form and shape.

It was a female creature. An insect, of some sort. Thousands upon thousands of insects roamed around her, flying, buzzing, crawling. Crawling on me, around me. It was not scary, it was almost loving. She was powerful, ohh so powerful, filled with light, defenitly a godly presence. I felt power, and I felt immense love coming from her.

I just laid there, inside this world, and communicated. She kind of latched on to me, merged with me, caressed me. I felt the very real feeling of (and also saw with my inner eye) her chitin structure, the same thing that insects exoskeleton conssit of, caressing me but not doing any harm to my skin, not ripping but still touching. Like dragon skin.

We tangled, and she really merged with me. I asked questions, in the form of thought, and my visions manifested the answer. She physically changed shape to provide the answer.

I asked her what the meaning of life was. Before my thought had finished the sentence, the head of someone I hold very dear and someone I really loved, was shown before me.

The loved one suddenly, died, rotted and was eaten by insects and only the skull was left. It happened in seconds.

And it was beautiful. Really beautiful. The insects were eating her dead face, and yet I lay there smiling, tears in my eyes, because the message of life was conveyed to me in such a format that I could understand. Metaphorically. You cant understand this by writing a sentence, you gotta understand it by getting punched in your stomach and opening your eyes.

I got the message that life is about love. It is about life itself, however stupid that might sound. Life is about living, loving, and then the pieces of you gets absorbed into life itself and is reanimated in other life forms. It is really simple, yet so incredibly complext at the same time.

These words doesnt do the experience justice at all. Im sitting here with a "lump in my troath" writing this, because the experience was so beautiful, and powerful, me.

I defenitly, "telephatically", or atleast inside my head, in the form of me thinking a thought and getting answers with visions - communicated with something far greater than myself.

It has made me so much more in awe of the world, and in many was much more a humble servant of the bigger picture.

There is something going on here, that is beatiful and immense, but it totally goes below the radar of the human daily day psyche.”

I en annen redditpost svarer jeg dette, i en post med navn "the mushroom speaks":

"Do you know what? I highly recommend you and all others to watch the netflix documentary called "My octopus teacher".

You will understand what I mean when the scene comes around where the guy explains that after swimming with that octopus for 1 year every day he starts to intuitivly understand the intelligence of the ecosystem of the ocean. He sees the patters, the intricate relationship between the species, everything.

And the most fucked up part is that he explains it so well - and that ive met and seen the same beeing on shrooms. That gaia spirit, that tought me so much.

This knowledge is there for all to pick up. Its just very very difficult to do in a city life where there are so many impressions constantly washing out the sand mandala of truth. Give it enough time and that mandala forms a clear picture, like the reflection in a calm lake. But there is so much disturbance to the surface of that lake, every day, thoughts emotions aspirations sorrows life life life. When you manage to calm the surface of the lake for a long enough time - the world appears to you in a very different light. You start to understand then. Man life is fascinating.

There is something to this, there is no doubt about that."

Grunnen til at jeg poster dette er at det er så magisk å forstå at andre har akkurat den samme opplevelsen, den samme forståelsen. Det gir dyp mening til opplevelsene å se at de er "real". Det har jeg også alltid trodd, men troen blir sterkere nå.
Sist endret av bengtviggo; 29. desember 2022 kl. 22:13. Grunn: copy pastet feil
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Sitat av bengtviggo Vis innlegg
Dette er for sykt, rapporten din altså. Men på samme tid føler jeg meg såpass trygg på innholdet i din (og min) trip at jeg ikke lenger er i tvil. Det er ikke uten grunn at de kaller denne arten for golden teacher, for gjett om den viser oss noe.

Jeg svarer på dette fordi jeg har hatt en tripp som føltes tilnærmet identisk som din. På en lav dose golden teacher, hvor jeg kom i kontakt med et innsektslignende skikkelse som gav meg så, så mye kjærlighet og nærhet. Intelligensen! Herre fred for en følelse av intelligens og all-viten som møtte meg, akkurat som deg. Det var som om jeg ble vist hele livets utvikling og reise. Det jeg synes er aller mest sprøtt, men samtidig ikke sprøtt i det hele tatt, er hvordan jeg også ble vist livets sirkel gjennom et liv som ble levd og oppløst til atomer. Jeg poster like greit rapporten min her (også på engelsk), så kan du og andre se hvor vanvittig like disse trippene var.

Det tok meg en stund å prosessere denne trippen, og den endte forandret meg til det bedre og forme karriæreveien min videre.

Her er den. Jeg skriver den som et tilsvar til en på reddit som har møtt "gud" på cubensis:

"I have met something I call "the insect god" on a trip. It was a tremendous, mindblowingly beautiful and grand experience. One of the biggest experiences in my life. I was thought so much, and given so much.

Cant explain with word. But the experience WAS the SAME as yous! Literally the same. Even down to that feeling and though going “this can’t be happening, this can’t be true, it’s too profound, it surely must be the shrooms”.

I’ve written about it here before as an answer to a guy asking if others have experiences of the shroom as a literal voice, as McKenna put it. I will copy paste it here.

“Everything is connected is the answer. And that life is just "is", in the sense that there is not much more to do from your point of view than to live, and to live it with love. Live and spread love and dont dwell on the meaning of life because then you become so occupied inside your own mind that you miss the chance to spread the love.

I encountered this shroom beeing, in the form of a insect god, last summer. She gave me immense love, and I think was partly because I have plants on my balcony to cater to increased biodiversity, and because I work in that field and because I strive to increase biovidersity wherever I can in my work.

But also because I have "understood" (personally atleast) over the last years of tripping and meditation, or atleast formed a personal meaning of that - everything in life holds the same spark. There is no difference between me and an ant. The foundation of being a living creature, animated by the spark of life, that is what it is about.

Man I really wish I could have shown you guys the trip I had last summer on 1.5g of fine cubensis. I have never in my life experienced anything more beautiful. I lied in a dark room, on my sofa curled up in the fetus position, eyes closed.

I was in a forest of kelp made of light. Google "kelp". It was just like that, but the kelp was neon colored and swayed in the "wind". Black backdrop. Incredibly colorful. Beyond words.

A presence emerged. Manifested from millions of particles very small, (wow im almost getting tears in my eyes by writing his because how beautiful it was.. ). Like sand, millions of shiny particles, like atoms, swoshing like an ocean, and like a ball of sand would do if it casually flew past you. Windy.

The particles was there all the time, holding the creature together, forming the gist of it but also making it possible for it to shift in form and shape.

It was a female creature. An insect, of some sort. Thousands upon thousands of insects roamed around her, flying, buzzing, crawling. Crawling on me, around me. It was not scary, it was almost loving. She was powerful, ohh so powerful, filled with light, defenitly a godly presence. I felt power, and I felt immense love coming from her.

I just laid there, inside this world, and communicated. She kind of latched on to me, merged with me, caressed me. I felt the very real feeling of (and also saw with my inner eye) her chitin structure, the same thing that insects exoskeleton conssit of, caressing me but not doing any harm to my skin, not ripping but still touching. Like dragon skin.

We tangled, and she really merged with me. I asked questions, in the form of thought, and my visions manifested the answer. She physically changed shape to provide the answer.

I asked her what the meaning of life was. Before my thought had finished the sentence, the head of someone I hold very dear and someone I really loved, was shown before me.

The loved one suddenly, died, rotted and was eaten by insects and only the skull was left. It happened in seconds.

And it was beautiful. Really beautiful. The insects were eating her dead face, and yet I lay there smiling, tears in my eyes, because the message of life was conveyed to me in such a format that I could understand. Metaphorically. You cant understand this by writing a sentence, you gotta understand it by getting punched in your stomach and opening your eyes.

I got the message that life is about love. It is about life itself, however stupid that might sound. Life is about living, loving, and then the pieces of you gets absorbed into life itself and is reanimated in other life forms. It is really simple, yet so incredibly complext at the same time.

These words doesnt do the experience justice at all. Im sitting here with a "lump in my troath" writing this, because the experience was so beautiful, and powerful, me.

I defenitly, "telephatically", or atleast inside my head, in the form of me thinking a thought and getting answers with visions - communicated with something far greater than myself.

It has made me so much more in awe of the world, and in many was much more a humble servant of the bigger picture.

There is something going on here, that is beatiful and immense, but it totally goes below the radar of the human daily day psyche.”

I en annen redditpost svarer jeg dette, i en post med navn "the mushroom speaks":

"Do you know what? I highly recommend you and all others to watch the netflix documentary called "My octopus teacher".

You will understand what I mean when the scene comes around where the guy explains that after swimming with that octopus for 1 year every day he starts to intuitivly understand the intelligence of the ecosystem of the ocean. He sees the patters, the intricate relationship between the species, everything.

And the most fucked up part is that he explains it so well - and that ive met and seen the same beeing on shrooms. That gaia spirit, that tought me so much.

This knowledge is there for all to pick up. Its just very very difficult to do in a city life where there are so many impressions constantly washing out the sand mandala of truth. Give it enough time and that mandala forms a clear picture, like the reflection in a calm lake. But there is so much disturbance to the surface of that lake, every day, thoughts emotions aspirations sorrows life life life. When you manage to calm the surface of the lake for a long enough time - the world appears to you in a very different light. You start to understand then. Man life is fascinating.

There is something to this, there is no doubt about that."

Grunnen til at jeg poster dette er at det er så magisk å forstå at andre har akkurat den samme opplevelsen, den samme forståelsen. Det gir dyp mening til opplevelsene å se at de er "real". Det har jeg også alltid trodd, men troen blir sterkere nå.
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Fantastisk. Sendte deg en pm.