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Har du sett en film med en dialog du likte spesielt godt? Post den her, gjærne med en link til scenen eller bare et utdrag av manuset.

Jeg synes selv dialogen mellom "V" og "Evey" i filmen V for Vendetta er en av de beste. Ellers liker jeg også dialogen i sluttscenen til "There Will Be Blood" er fantastisk.

Her er linker til favorittdialogene mine: (Hvis du ikke har sett filmen spoiler de ingenting ettersom det bare er en typografianimasjon...)

V for Vendetta - Introduction to Evey:

There Will Be Blood - Milkshake

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120669/quotes <3

Dr. Gonzo: Let's give the boy a lift.
Raoul Duke: What? No. We can't stop here. This is bat country.
Sist endret av skepsis; 28. mai 2009 kl. 14:21.
"Just When I tought I Was out, they pull me back in" - The Godfather
vel typografi her også.. men langt ifra samme kvalitet
hørte forresten Boondock Saints 2 skulle komme i december i år
Dr. Gonzo: Can we make it? I wanna leave fast.
Raoul Duke: Okay, let's pay this bill, get up very slowly... I think it's gonna be a long walk.

fear and loathing in las vegas
I don't tip.

Klipp fra Reservoir Dogs. Film som har flust med gode dialoger.
Sist endret av gulunderstrek; 28. mai 2009 kl. 16:11. Grunn: Leif, Skrive
Queen of Blades
Jonta's Avatar
Etter de første to Kinetic Typography-ene, satt jeg der. "WOW!" Takk for at dere viste meg det.

Min favoritt (i tillegg til Boondock Saints), som jeg forøvrig hadde på russekortet mitt:

Morpheus: This is a war and we are soldiers. Death can come for us at any time, in any place. Now consider the alternative. What if I am right? What if the prophecy is true? What if tomorrow the war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth dying for?

The Matrix.

It has you.
Lock stock and two smokin barrels. Elsker denne

Nick the Greek: What else does it come with?

Tom: It comes with a gold-plated Rolls Royce, as long as you pay for it.

Nick the Greek: Dunno. Seems expensive.

Tom: Seems? Well, this seems to be a complete waste of my time. That, my friend, is 900 nicker in any store you're lucky enough to find one in. And you're haggling over 200 pound? What school of finance did you come from
Nick? "It's a deal, it's a steal, it's the Sale of the fucking Century!" In fact, fuck it Nick, I think I'll keep it!

Nick the Greek: All right all right, keep your Alans on! Here's a ton.

Tom, Eddie: Jesus Christ!

Eddie: You could choke a dozen donkeys on that! And you're haggling over one hundred pound? What're you doing when you're not buying stereos Nick? Finance revolutions?

Nick the Greek: 100 pound is still 100 pound.

Tom: Not when the price is 200 pound it ain't! And certainly not when you've got Liberia's deficit in your skyrocket. Tighter than a duck's butt you are. Now, lemme feel the fibre of your fabric.
Oulie's Avatar
Lock stock & two smokin barrel har flere kule dialoger. Digger denne:
Nick The Greek
Denne i Blues Brothers er jo nesten foredlet. Scenen innledes med klassikeren "Det er 17 mil til Chicago. Vi har har full tank, en halv pakke sigaretter, det er mørkt, og vi har på oss solbriller". Deretter følger en av de bedre biljaktene i moderne filmhistorie.
Sist endret av Genetic; 28. mai 2009 kl. 17:27.
The Rock

Mason- You sure you're ready for this?

Goodspeed- I'll do my best.

Mason- Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

Goodspeed- Carla was the prom queen.

Mason- Really?

Goodspeed- Yeah.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD5Gt...eature=related - Fra 0:30 og ut
Sluttscenen fra There Will Be Blood er episk!

Dr. Strangelove er også fullspekket av god dialog.
RocknRolla, scenen der Archie skolerer hvordan en backhand slap utføres og den psykologiske effekten av det.

Archie: If you can master a slap like that, there is no need for your clients to walk back. They will open up like a fountain full of words. No need for strong violence. Nono.. They´re transported right back to their childhood, "somethingsomething". He thinks he back to school.
Danny: But we no went to school Arch?
Archie: Do you want a slap aswell, Danny? Ey??.. Now if a slap don't work, you cut 'em or you pay 'em, but you keep your receipts, cos this ain't the Mafia.
Ministry of Love
sptz's Avatar
Apocalypse Now
LTC Bill Kilgore: "Charlie Don't Surf!"

LTC Bill Kilgore: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning, you know one time we had a hill bomb, 12 hours. When it was all over I walked up, we didn't find one of them, not one stinking dink body. Smell, that gasoline smell? Smells like…Victory."

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
President Merkin Muffley: Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!

Men siden det var dialoger du var ute etter så må det nok bli denne fra samme film:
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Colonel... that Coca-Cola machine. I want you to shoot the lock off it. There may be some change in there.
Colonel "Bat" Guano: That's private property.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine? Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!
Colonel "Bat" Guano: Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: What?
Colonel "Bat" Guano: You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.
Jeg digger den ene samtalen mellom Commodus og Maximus i Gladiator-filmen.

Sist endret av Eplekjekk; 28. mai 2009 kl. 20:10.
somnium's Avatar
jeg er ikke så macho som resten her;

Good Will Hunting:
Også fra Fear and loathing in Las Vegas:

With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know
Vet ingenting
Come here. Hey! Look at me. So I had a wife, beautiful, like you, who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to smile more. Who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks... Look at me! One day, they carve her face. And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again, hm? I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. So... I stick a razor in my mouth and do this....to myself. And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling!

Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was... a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not-one-bit. So - me watching - he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it! Turns to me, and he says, "why so serious, son?" Comes at me with the knife... "Why so serious?" He sticks the blade in my mouth... "Let's put a smile on that face!" And...
The Joker: Why so serious?
mm, denne er god:

Brett: What?
Jules: What country are you from?
Brett: What? What? Wh - ?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Jules: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Brett: Yes! Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like!
Brett: What?
Jules: Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!

- Samuel L. Jackson i Pulp Fiction
Sist endret av Berkowitz; 28. mai 2009 kl. 21:25.
Pulp fiction har haugevis med bra dialog:

Butch: You okay?
Marsellus: Naw man. I'm pretty fuckin' far from okay.
Butch: What now?
Marsellus: What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.
Butch: I meant what now between me and you?
Marsellus: Oh, that what now. I tell you what now between me and you. There is no me and you. Not no more.

For ikke snakke om den beste dialogen i hele filmverdenen:

Jules: [Vincent and Jules are cleaning the inside of the car which is covered in blood] Oh, man, I will never forgive your ass for this shit. This is some fucked-up repugnant shit.
Vincent: Jules, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits that he's wrong that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings? Have you ever heard that?
Jules: Get the fuck out my face with that shit! The motherfucker that said that shit never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of skull on account of your dumb ass.
Vincent: I got a threshold, Jules. I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take. Now, right now, I'm a fuckin' race car, right, and you got me the red. And I'm just sayin', I'm just sayin' that it's fuckin' dangerous to have a race car in the fuckin' red. That's all. I could blow.
Jules: Oh! Oh! You ready to blow?
Vincent: Yeah, I'm ready to blow.
Jules: Well, I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker, motherfucker! Every time my fingers touch brain, I'm Superfly T.N.T., I'm the Guns of the Navarone! IN FACT, WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOIN' IN THE BACK? YOU'RE THE MOTHERFUCKER WHO SHOULD BE ON BRAIN DETAIL! We're fuckin' switchin'! I'm washin' the windows, and you're pickin' up this nigger's skull!

Legger med youtube link til den siste scenen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTN7Mhv59KA
Jeg har sansen for danske filmer, her er noen favoritter fra De grønne slakterne:
Pølser.... Man kan vel nesten si at det er noe mytologiskover det å drepe et dyr, og så håne det ved å stappe det opp i dets egen tarm.

Jeg røyker mellom 15 og 20 joints om dagen-jeg ville ikke luktet om det brant i mitt eget hår.
Valgfri brukertittel?
Eplefisk's Avatar
Jeg må bare støtte Berkowitz på denne her... Jeg husker jeg memoriserte hele Ezekiel 25:17 etter jeg så Pulp Fiction for første gang. Her er hele klippet:

Link til Youtube
Problem, officer?
thomasf's Avatar
Jada, Tarantino er dyktig på dialoger. Det er ikke noe nytt, og alle har hørt og elsket hver eneste en før.

Se derimot her: Et skjeldent stykke filmatisert kunst. Slutten i Casablanca. 0:30-2:00. Der har dere velskrevet dialog. Det er bare GODLIKE.
Sist endret av thomasf; 28. mai 2009 kl. 22:24.
Neineinei... Alle med et sansen for et snev av filmhistorie har sett Casablanca. Ingenting nytt.

Se derimot her: La Haine

Opprinnelig på fransk:
Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land!

[COLOR="White"]riktig nok ikke en dialog, men..[/COLOR]
Sist endret av Berkowitz; 28. mai 2009 kl. 22:52.
Ministry of Love
sptz's Avatar
Berkowitz "La Haine" er absolutt en av de beste filmene de siste 20årene!
denne forklarer store deler av livene deres hvis dere hører godt etter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfMBy...eature=related
Trailer Park Boys: The Movie


Ricky: Suck it Donny!
Donny: You suck it Ricky, MORE!
Ricky: What the fuck kind of comeback was that? You said the same thing thing that I said, but you just added 'more' to it.
Donny: No! More! You suck it more!
Ricky: You're a fuckin' dick!

Om dere har sett Trailer Park Boys serien så er det bare å tenke på Ricky så smiler du.
Elsker denne dialogen fra filmen Snatch

Bullet Tooth Tony: Boris the Blade? As in Boris the Bullet-Dodger?
Avi: Why do they call him the Bullet-Dodger?
Bullet Tooth Tony: 'Cause he dodges bullets, Avi.
1:37:57 - 3:10 to Yuma. Far ber sønnen klare seg selv og passe på gården og familien pga han har noe viktig å gjøre. Kongebra film!!
Jeg må også si at dialogen på slutten ved gravstenen i Forest Gump er veldig rørende.
Fra Resvoir Dogs:

- But why do I have to be Mr. Pink?

- Because youre a faggot, allright?
I see you...
NAPse's Avatar
Må si jeg elsker dialogene til sarsjanten i "Full Metal Jacket".
Skal knækkes
Golder's Avatar
Trainspotting er smekkfull av knall dialoger, denne er en av de jeg liker best.

Snatch, som allerede er nevnt tidligere i tråden, er også full av gode gullkorn.

Bullet Tooth Tony: So, you are obviously the big dick. The men on the side of ya are your balls. Now there are two types of balls. There are big brave balls, and there are little mincey faggot balls.

Vinny: These are your last words, so make them a prayer.

Bullet Tooth Tony: Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns...

Bullet Tooth Tony: And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"...

Bullet Tooth Tony: Written down the side of mine...

Bullet Tooth Tony: Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... Fuck off!
Ingen har nevnt Family Guy?

Lois: So doctor, is Peter healthy?
Doctor: My goodness, you'll be dead within a month.
Peter: What?
Doctor (revealing comic he was reading): Oh, Hagar the Horrible, if you keep up that lifestyle of pillaging and eating giant turkey legs, you'll be dead within a month. Now, onto you.
Peter: So, what do you think? Pretty healthy, eh?
Doctor: Well, Mr. Griffin, let's take a look at your physical results. Argh! There's a spider in here. Now, here we go. Mr Griffin, you're going to expire in a month.
Peter/Lois: Argh!
Doctor: This is your driver's licence, isn't it? Now, unfortunately, I'm afraid you're going to die...
Peter: Argh!
Doctor: ...when you watch these Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts.
Lois: Will you just tell us how Peter's health is?!
Doctor: Ah, Mr. Griffin, I'm not quite sure how to say this. Kim Bassinger? Bass singer? Bassinger? But now, onto the cancer.
Lois: Oh my goodness!
Doctor: You are a Cancer, right? You were born in July? Now onto these test results. My, they're much worse than I thought.
Peter/Lois: Oh!
Doctor: My son got a D minus on his history test. Now Mr Griffin, that liver's got to come out.
Lois: What?!
Doctor: It's been in the microwave for three minutes, it'll get dry. Now-
Lois: Please, please, we can't take any more schtick.. Please just tell us, is Peter healthy?
Doctor: Oh, yeah, he's fine, he's just really fat.
Jeg mener at Tarantino har de beste dialogene!

Her er en av de:

Jules: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.
Vincent: It's not. It's the same ballpark.
Jules: Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit.
Vincent: Have you ever given a foot massage?
Jules: [scoffs] Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot fuckin' master.
Vincent: Given a lot of 'em?
Jules: Shit yeah. I got my technique down and everything, I don't be ticklin' or nothin'.
Vincent: Would you give a guy a foot massage?
[Jules gives Vincent a long look, realizing he's been set up]
Jules: Fuck you.
Vincent: You give them a lot?
Jules: Fuck you.
Vincent: You know, I'm getting kinda tired. I could use a foot massage myself.
Jules: Man, you best back off, I'm gittin' a little pissed here.

Disse dialogene minner meg om mange av de diskusjonene George og Jerry har i "Seinfeld". Er jo bare helt genialt!
"I owe you a ten second car"
Jules: You, flock of seagulls, you know why we're here? Why don't you tell my man Vincent where you got the shit hid at?
Marvin: It's over th...
Jules: I don't remember askin' you a Goddamn thing! You were saying?
Roger: It's in the cupboard.
[Vincent starts looking in the upper cupboard]
Roger: No, no, the one by your kn-knees.
Jules: We happy?
[Vincent continues staring at the briefcase's contents]
Jules: Vincent! We happy?
Vincent: Yeah, we happy.
Brett: I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. I got yours, Vincent, right? But I didn't get yours...
Jules: My name's Pitt. And your ass ain't talkin' your way out of this shit.
Brett: No, no, I just want you to know... I just want you to know how sorry we are that things got so fucked up with us and Mr. Wallace. We got into this thing with the best intentions and I never...
Jules: [Jules shoots the man on the couch] I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Marsellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country are you from?
Brett: What? What? Wh - ?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Jules: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Brett: Yes! Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like!
Brett: What?
Jules: Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!