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kjøpte et gram med noe som skulle være speed/pepper forrige helg, men etter snortinga så det ikke ut til at det hadde noen eller ekstremt liten effekt.

men hva er det for noe hvitt pulver de selger om det ikke er amf i det? blir litt nysgjerrig på egentlig man får i seg, å bli lurt er en ting, men å få i seg noe som er direkte farlig er en annen ting, sistnevnte som gjør meg mest irritert.

lukta ikke vaskepulver av det hvertfall og var alt for finmalt til å være det mener jeg, men kunne jo godt ha vært bakepulver, kreatin, potetmel eller no sånt?

finnes det en måte å teste pulver på for å finne ut hva det er i det?
er jo bare en måte å finne det ut på... send det til analyse

men du kan jo teste renheten på pepperet:


There are a few different methods for purifying amphetamine, but one of the simplest and best ways to do this is with a dual solvent re-crystallisation. If you plan to do this however, be prepared for a LARGE reduction in volume. Keep in mind however the stuff you separate out isn't really any good to you anyway. Consider the fact that most street speed is less than 15% pure, which means the gram you just bought has about less than 150mg of active content. If done extremely carefully you won't lose much of the actual speed.

Re-crystallisation is based on the different saturation levels of hot and cold solvent. A saturated solution is one which has the maximum amount of solute dissolved in it. The saturation level of any given solvent rises and falls with the temperature. Put simply, when a solvent is heated it can dissolve a larger volume of solute, and as it cools and the saturation level drops, excess solute will form into crystals and sink to the bottom.

A simple purification can be done using a single solvent. Add hot solvent to the amphetamine in small amounts until it is all dissolved. Anything that will not dissolve is adulterant and should be filtered out using coffee filters or filter paper (mositen filters first to prevent them soaking up solution). Next, allow the solution to cool slowly to room temperature, then place it in the fridge and allow it to cool further. Once it has cooled in the fridge filter the crystals out and allow them to dry.

It is worth noting that some adulterant may also be soluble and form its own crystals in the process, so what you have at the end may not necessarily be pure amphetamine. This is why a dual solvent re-crystallisation is preferred.

A dual solvent re-crystallisation works by using a second solvent to dissolve many of the impurities, but that the drug itself is not soluble in. The second solvent also acts as a cleaning agent for the new crystals being formed.

In the case of amphetamines the 2 best liquids to use are acetone and alcohol. Acetone is a component of paint thinner (and nail polish remover) and can be bought from hardware stores or art supply stores. Alcohol can be obtained from hardware stores or liquor stores. Acetone is used as the 'mother' liquid, amphetamine is insoluble in acetone but most of the crap used to cut it is.

So the procedure: Put your speed into a flask, beaker or some other container you can heat on a stove (note: use a stove without a naked flame, as these volatile organic chemicals produce explosive vapours). Pour acetone into the container so that the speed is completely submerged in it with a centimetre or 2 of excess liquid and swish it around to dissolve any soluble impurities. Next gently heat the acetone until it boils, and then take it off the heat. Now slowly add (with an eyedropper or pipette) just enough alcohol for all the speed to dissolve - stirring gently until the speed dissolves. If you add too much alcohol you won't get as high a yield as possible so don't add too much. Anything that doesn't dissolve is adulterant and should be separated out by filtration: use 2 coffee filters in a funnel to filter the solution, then cover it so a little air can escape and leave to cool to room temperature. Once it has cooled down you should notice crystals starting to form. Put the container in the fridge, and then the freezer to encourage more crystals to form (i.e., increasing the yield). The slower the solution cools, the larger the dry crystals will be. Once the solution has been freezer cooled, filter the crystals out with some coffee filters, then wash the filtered out solid in the funnel with a few drops of alcohol and allow to dry. Voila, you have pure speed. Save the acetone, it can be reused.
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Haha ossen kan du finne på å kjøpe noe som helst på Skippergata? Brunt går kanskje!

Er egentlig Skippergata et bra sted for annet en og knulle 50 år gamle horer?
Går godt an å få bra saker i skippergaten, må bare være sikker på kjøpet. Få dealerne til å åpne posen .
Kan være glukose elns?
Sitat av Flabben
Går godt an å få bra saker i skippergaten, må bare være sikker på kjøpet. Få dealerne til å åpne posen .
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Helt enig!

Og er du ute etter piller så er du mest sannsynelig sikret 1 deal
ओम नमो नारायण
Dodecha's Avatar
Angående hva de blander i amfetamin så:
It depends, most common is pill filler, which is the biggest ingredient in Ecstasy and Paracetamol and every other type of pill. Otherwise caffeine, glucose powder, baby milk or talcum powder are most common. None of the above are harmful if swallowed, but they are less safe - and more painful - to snort. Baby milk and talcum powder are very dangerous if speed is injected as they clot easily in the blood.
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Edit: Og med det tror jeg vi stenger tråden, ettersom spørsmålet er besvart og det begynner å skli offtopic. Om du virkelig synest det er nødvendig å legge til mer så send meg en PM.
Sist endret av Dodecha; 16. desember 2006 kl. 17:40.
Sitat av kamikaze666
Er egentlig Skippergata et bra sted for annet en og knulle 50 år gamle horer?
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Ikke for å være pirkete, men i skippergata er det ikke så mange horer.. Her henger alle de narkomane og dealerene..

Horene holder til bak akershus festning.. Der står de line'a opp.. Hvis du lurte?