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2083, 1500 siders "bok" ABB har skrevet
JunkieXL's Avatar
Sitat av Harabo Vis innlegg
Eneste jeg kommer på fra mythbusters er da de lagde en 5000 LBS ANFO, for og lage diamanter. Og den smeller no siiiinsykt!

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Den bomben er 2 tonn ANFO?
Så mildt sagt ut som en ganske saftig sjokkbølge
Sist endret av JunkieXL; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:04.
var ikke aprilspøk!
Harabo's Avatar
Sitat av JunkieXL Vis innlegg
Den bomben er 2 tonn ANFO?
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Rundt der ett sted!

Ta halvparten av denne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saU3f...eature=related

så har du gårsdagens!
Ridder av 1. klasse
Sitat av Harabo Vis innlegg
Eneste jeg kommer på fra mythbusters er da de lagde en 5000 LBS ANFO, for og lage diamanter. Og den smeller no siiiinsykt!

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aahh, så visst feil.. 5000LBS, blir for litt mer enn 550kg ja...
Sitat av Zirto Vis innlegg
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Gi deg med panikk her nå da, nordisk.nu er da ikke noe "naziforum" noe mer enn document.no er... fyren er forøvrig mer en sionist, ikke nazist. En viss forskjell for å si det mildt.
Trailer fra boka til ABB, uploada 22 Juli av brukeren Andrew Berwick


link henta fra boka
Fra boka! Har ikke lest

Q: Can you describe your childhood?

A: My father, Jens Breivik, had three children from a former marriage; Erik, Jan and Nina while my mother, Wenche Behring had a daughter from a past relationship; Elisabeth. My parents divorced when I was 1 years old. Me, my sister and my parents; Wenche (a nurse), Jens (siviløkonom) was living in London at the time as he worked as a diplomat for the Royal Norwegian Embassy in London (and later Paris). Jens stayed in London and later married Tove Øvermo who also worked in the Royal Norwegian Embassy. Wenche, Elisabeth and myself moved back to Oslo and settled on Skøyen, Oslo West. My mother, Wenche met my stepfather, Tore, who was a captain in the Norwegian Army. My stepmother, Tove, later became a Vice Consul and my father was a Commercial Councellor for the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad, first in London and then in Paris.

My parents were not politically active but supported the policies of the Norwegian Labour Party which was common for most individuals working in the public sector. My stepfather, Tore, was a moderately right wing while my stepmother, Tove, was a moderate cultural Marxist and feminist. My mom, Wenche, was an apolitical moderate feminist.

Jens and Tove wanted child custody and wanted to raise me in Paris. They lost the child custody case in an Oslo court a few years later.

I visited Jens and Tove on a regular basis in Paris and at our summer house/cottage in Normandie, FR and Notodden, NO until they divorced when I was 12. I had a good relationship with him and his new wife at the time, Tove Øvermo, until I was 15. I still have contact with Tove until this day but have not spoken to my father since he isolated himself when I was 15 (he wasn’t very happy about my graffiti phase from 13-16. He has four children but has cut contact with all of them so it is pretty clear whose fault that was. I don’t carry any grudge but a couple of my half siblings do. The thing is that he is just not very good with people. I tried contacting him five years ago but he said he was not mentally prepared for a reunion due to various factors, his poor health being one.

Tore, my stepfather, worked as a major in the Norwegian military and is now retired. I still have contact with him although now he spends most his time (retirement) with prostitutes in Thailand. He is a very primitive sexual beast, but at the same time a very likable and good guy. I can’t say I approve of that lifestyle although I can’t really blame him when I see today’s Marxist social structures. So all in all, I consider myself privileged and I feel I have had a privileged upbringing with responsible and intelligent people around me. I do not approve of the super-liberal, matriarchal upbringing though as it completely lacked discipline and has contributed to feminise me to a certain degree.

I haven’t really had any negative experiences in my childhood in any way. I had way too much freedom though if anything. I used to visit my father annually until I was 16. So guess I came from a typical Norwegian middle class family. We never had any economical troubles.

I have a good relationship with my four half siblings, Nina, Erik and Jan but especially Elisabeth. We get together a couple of times a year. Elisabeth moved to Los Angeles 14 years ago and is now settled down with two kids, Kaia and Tyler. I talk to her once a month. Both she and her husband are moderately conservative but generally live their life as apolitical career cynicists. Two of my other half siblings are conservative, one moderately conservative. They are generally apolitical but I am very happy for the fact that a majority of my extended family are intelligent and relatively anti-Marxist. Erik’s girlfriend though is a super-feminist and quite radical Marxist. We have had some very interesting conversations where she has almost physically strangled me

I went to the following institutions;

- Vigelandsparken kindergarden
- Smestad primary school
- Ris secondary School
- Hartvig Nissen High School
- Oslo Handelsgym High School

Q: How would you describe yourself as a person?

A: I consider myself to be a laid back type and quite tolerant on most issues.

Due to the fact that I have been exposed to decades of multicultural indoctrination I feel a need to emphasise that I am not in fact a racist and never have been.

My Godmother (being baptised when I was 15 years old), Amelia Jimenez and her husband, came to Norway as political refugees from Chile. In retrospect I understood that they were Marxist political activists but I didn’t comprehend these issues at the time. Our two families have been very close throughout my childhood and youth. I’ve had several non-Norwegian and Muslim friends. I spent a lot of time with Onor, a Turk, Jonathan an Eritrean, Raol and Natalie from Chile, *penispenispenis*, Faizal and Wazim from Pakistan. I’ve had dozens of non-Norwegian friends during my younger years, Bashir from Somalia, Pablo from Chile, Odd Erling – adopted from Columbia, Lene – adopted from India have been good friends and a couple of them still are today.
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Sist endret av nso; 9. september 2014 kl. 21:54.
shiiiibe mjau mjau!!
aeon_illuminate's Avatar
Hva slags ugjerning har vi hatt tidligere i Norge/Norden som ligner på den på denne her, bare i mindre utgave seff??
Boka er sendt til politiet.
Sist endret av esl; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:20.
Han ser jo tydeligvis på seg selv som en korsfarer... tilogmed avbildet med våpen helt til slutt på videoen.
Sitat av aeon_illuminate Vis innlegg
Hva slags ugjerning har vi hatt tidligere i Norge/Norden som ligner på den på denne her, bare i mindre utgave seff??
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Av ekstreme (politiske) tilfeller:


Sist endret av Simplicity; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:27.
Fra videoen:
...we must do our duty of decimating cultural marxism..
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Har Aftenposten, NRK og andre institusjoner han mener er "kulturmarxister" egentlig sjekket parkeringshusene sine i helgen?
Sist endret av Jotun; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:31.
Sitat av Jotun Vis innlegg
Fra videoen:

Har Aftenposten, NRK og andre institusjoner han mener er "kulturmarxister" egentlig sjekket parkeringshusene sine i helgen?
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Hvilken video er dette?

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQOfH8Dj1mw
Sist endret av Simplicity; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:31.
var ikke aprilspøk!
Harabo's Avatar
Sitat av Jotun Vis innlegg
Han ser jo tydeligvis på seg selv som en korsfarer... tilogmed avbildet med våpen helt til slutt på videoen.
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Hvilken video? Link?
Celebrate us, the martyrs of the conservative revolution, for we will soon dine in the Kingdom of Heaven
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Hmm... ikke lovende.
Sist endret av Jotun; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:34.
Her er en sak fra en finsk avis som mottok "boka" til Anders som PDF rett før hendelsene i Norgel

Fra en finskt forum som omtaler saken

Dette kan jo tyde på at han ønsket og spre budskapet i boka mens ennå hadde muligheten.
Sist endret av telebohrian82; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:34.
"Andrew Berwick" er selvfølgelig en "oversettelse" av navnet Anders Breivik.
Fra boken:

Personal facts:

Name: Andrew Berwick
Nationality: Norwegian
Born: February 1979
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Ethnicity: Nordic/Norwegian
Address: Oslo ,Norway
Personality: Optimistic, pragmatic, ambitious, creative, hard working
Political view: Cultural conservative, revolutionary conservative, Vienna school of thought, economically liberal
Religion: Christian, Protestant but I support a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholisism. The typical “Protestant Labour Church” has to be deconstructed as its creation was an attempt to abolish the Church
Religious: I went from moderately to agnostic to moderately religious
Education: Non-formal equivalent to 7 years + at university level
Professions: Investor, Director, Manager - founder of several companies, Small business management (including organisational development), political analyst, author, stock analyst/trader. Im unsure whether resistance fighter (Justiciar Knight Commander) and martyr counts as a profession
Nicotine: Yes
Alcohol: Occasionally
Drugs: No
Tattoos: No
Sports: Snowboarding, fitness (body building/spinning), running
Watch sport: Only women’s sand volley ball:P Perhaps I would if Norway didn’t suck so hard in footbal
Name of your primary weapon: Mjöllnir
Name of your side arm: Gungnir
Hobbies: Political analysis, studying new topics, Free Mason, Heraldry, Genealogy, gaming (MMO or Modern Warfare 2), travelling – learning about new cultures, music, friends. I have had the privilege of experiencing the following countries:

Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Belarus, France, Austria, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, US, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia.

Key points – curriculum vitae

Key qualifications:

Organisational/business development – Experience with the establishment, development and management of smaller businesses related to the fields; organisational/business development, small business management, marketing and sales
Financial analysis – stock/currency analysis relating to the fields/indicators; candlesticks, RSI, stochastic, MACD, Bollinger bands, DMI, momentum

2005-2007: Managing director of E-Commerce Group AS (part investment company – 50%, part sales/outsourcing company – 50%). I converted ABB ENK to a corporation (AS). Total of 7 employees: 3 in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US. Distribution of outsourcing services to foreign companies, sold software/programming solutions. Worked part time with day trading (stocks/options/currency/commodities). This was a front (milking cow) with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation related military operations. The company was successful although most of the funds were channelled through a Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channelled in an “unorthodox manner” to Norway available to the coming intellectual and subsequent operations phase.

2002-2004: Director of Anders Behring Breivik ENK) (part time from May 02 (shortly after my inclusion in PCCTS) – des. 02, full time from March 03. Same emphasis as E-Commerce Group. This was a front (milking cow) I established and focused on shortly after my inclusion in PCCTS, Knights Templar with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation related military operations.

2002-2003: Supervisor/internal advisor for Bankia Bank ASA (Apr. 02 – March 03)

2001-2002: Customer service representative for Bankia Bank ASA (Nov. 01 – Apr. 02)

2000-2001: Managing director of Media Group AS. Development and sales of outdoor media solutions (primarily billboards). My company was partially acquired/bought by Mediamax Norway AS after I (and my employee, Kristoffer Andresen) had built a billboard portfolio from scratch in the Oslo area which was then sold to Mediamax Norge AS (which was later bought by JC Decaux Norway) and Clear Channel (July 00 – July 01)

1999-2000: Team leader for the customer service rep. dept. for Enitel Telephony/mobile/internet/support division (March 99 – July 00)

1998-1999: <redigert bort>

1997-1999: Corporate customer care rep. for customer care/internet support for Telia Norway AS (Nov 97-Feb 99)

1996-1997: Part time as a sales rep. for ACTA Economical Counselling (Feb 96-97)

Education: Non-formal studies/degrees: Bachelor of Business Administration (major: small business management) part time studies using the curriculum/online study courses from AIU, American InterContinental University (98-02), Bachelor of Political Science (major: political science and history) part time studies (00-05), Master of Political Science, full/part time studies (05-10). See other chapter for specification.

Other professional activities:

2005: Was coached by my friend, former mentor and independent stock analyst; Xun Dai over a 6 month period on the areas: technical stock analysis: candlesticks, RSI, stochastic, MACD, Bollinger bands, DMI, momentum

2000-2001: Was coached by mo former mentor – and managing director of Hypertec AS; Richard Steenfeldt-Berg over a 12 month period on the areas; management, administration, corporate/business/organisation development (May 00-May 01)

1995-1998: Oslo Handelsgymnasium/Hartvig Nissen High School

Board positions, professional activities, responsibilities

2003: Candidate for the Oslo City Council election on behalf of the Oslo Progress Party. This was during the “crossroad” when I was in the process of deciding whether I would fully abandon conventional politics (and a career within conventional politics) as a solution/source to acquire funds for the future operation or if I would rather leave conventional politics altogether and rather focus on entrepreneurship/business as the source for financing my future and clandestine participation in the pan-European Conservative Revolutionary Movement/pan-European Resistance Movement. As you already know I became one of the founding members of the PCCTS, Knights Templar in 2002 and among the very first Justiciar Knight Commanders. However, regardless of this choice, I was not completely convinced I was done with conventional politics. I actually decided to do a last push (after my pledge to the PCCTS) as I was already nominated on behalf of the Oslo Progress Party for the City Council election in 2003/2004. I came relatively close to being elected but was not among the final contestants due to the fact that the Progress Party Youth (lead by my rival Jøran Kallmyr) refused, for strategical reasons, to support my candidature. At the time I was more popular than Jøran but needed the support of the youth organisation (an organisation I had been a part of for a few years). I don’t blame him for backstabbing me like that though. After all, he had invested so much more of his time to the organisation than I had. He deserved it while I didn’t and I would probably have done the same thing if I was him.

Also, during the “crossroad phase” I had lost all faith in the Progress Party as a solution to Norway’s rapid disintegration due to multiculturalism and Islamisation. A moderate cultural conservative political party like the Progress Party is un-capable of solving any of our primary problems as they are systematically ridiculed and isolated by all other political parties and a united media sector. This, even despite of the fact that they have taken measures and gotten rid of all true nationalists ending up with only opportunistic career cynisists unwilling to take any political risks.

The Progress Party is now a part of the problem as they continuously give the Norwegian people false hope and thus contributes to pacify them. They should rather be honest and admit that all hopes for the democratical change of the society is futile and rather encourage all patriotic Norwegians to resist the multiculturalist regime through armed resistance. Their unwillingness to do this makes them a central part of the problem and in fact an obstacle to the liberation of and the reconquista of Norway.

I anticipate that the Norwegian media will persecute and undermine the Progress Party for my earlier involvement in the organisation. This is not a negative thing as an increasing amount of Norwegians will then have their “illusions of democratic change” crushed (if the Progress Party is annihilated by the multiculturalist media) and rather resorts to armed resistance. From a tactical and pragmatical viewpoint; the PC Medias defeat of the Progress Party will benefit the armed National Resistance Movement in Norway. The more moderate alternatives are persecuted the more likely it is that the average nationalists illusions of peaceful reform will be crushed, which will lead to him seeking “other means”. Because at this point, armed resistance and the violent overthrow of our regime is the only thing that can save us.

2002: Founding member (national representative) of the PCCTS, Knights Templar, in London (April).

2002: Member of the board of directors of the control authority for Majorstuen Eldresenter (Majorstuen Retirement home), political position for the Norwegian Progress Party.

2002: Member of the board of directors for Uranienborg Elementary and Secondary School, political position for the Norwegian Progress Party.

2001: Development of the financial prospectus for Hypertec AS in cooperation with NB Partner AS and PriceWaterhouseCoopers DA (Jan 01-May 01)

2000-2003: Board member in Progress Party Frogner and Vice Chairman in the Progress Party Youth – Oslo West.
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Og litt til relevant info:

Q: What tipped the scales for you? What single event made you decide you wanted to continue planning and moving on with the assault?

A: For me, personally, it was my government’s involvement in the attacks on Serbia (NATO bombings in 1999) several years back. It was completely unacceptable how the US and Western European regimes bombed our Serbian brothers. All they wanted was to drive Islam out by deporting the Albanian Muslims back to Albania. When the Albanians refused, they really didn’t have any choice but to use military force. By disallowing the Serbians the right for self-determination over their sovereign territory they indirectly dug a grave for Europe. A future where several Mini-Pakistan’s would eventually will be created in every Western European capital. This is unacceptable, completely unacceptable.

There have been several issues that have reaffirmed my beliefs since then. Among them; my governments cowardly handling of the Muhammad Cartoon issue and their decision to award the Nobel peace prize to an Islamic terrorist (Arafat) and appeasers of Islam. There have been tens of other issues. My government and our media capitulated to Islam several years ago, after the Rushdie event. Since then, it has gone downhill. Thousands of Muslims pouring in annually through our Asylum institution, or by family reunification. The situation is just chaotic. These suicidal traitors must be stopped.
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Sist endret av Jonta; 19. november 2014 kl. 17:39. Grunn: Forespørsel om fjerning av navn
JunkieXL's Avatar
Sitat av Simplicity Vis innlegg
Hvilken video er dette?

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQOfH8Dj1mw
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Fikk litt frysninger når jeg så bildet og teksten rundt 11:36
Sitat fra boken

“We want peace, and we are prepared to fight the most terrible war to get it.”
Syke jævelen. Jeg får for meg at dette har vært planlagt en stund. Om det blir lukket rettsak så spiller det ingen rolle, han har jo tydeligvis skrevet og spredd sitt manifest. Ord blir fattige. Kondolerer til dere som har er berørt.
UTDRAG fra boken: en logg som forteller hva han har gjort de siste dagene, står masse om eksplosiver og hvordan han har gjort alt sammen!!

Thursday July 21 - Day 81: Drive 11 hours straight to Kautokeino, sort out cheap hotel
Friday July 22 - Day 82: Initiate blasting sequenses at pre-determined sites. Test dirt for gram of gold per kg. Have enough material for at least 20 blasts. Start capitalization of project as soon as I have results. Time is running out, liquidity squeese inc. Call/email all my investor contacts with updated online prospectus/pdf.
This is going to be an all-or-nothing scenario. If I fail to generate acceptable precious metals yields, in combination with swift initiation of the capitalization for securing the areas I will be heavily indebted. I must complete capitalization of the mineral extraction project within August at latest! When I have the required seed capital I will have enough funds to employ the services of professional blasting engineers.
If all fails, I will initiate my career with a private security firm in conflict zones to acquire maximum funds in the shortest period of time to repay the debts.
First coming costume party this autumn, dress up as a police officer. Arrive with insignias:-) Will be awesome as people will be very astonished:-)

Side note; imagine if law enforcement would visit me the next days. They would probably get the wrong idea and think I was a terrorist, lol )

Optimal time budget, one person - ANFO: 3 x 600kg, PA: 3 x 0,5kg, DDNP: 3 x 10g

If I had known then, what I know today, by following this guide, I would have managed to complete the operation within 30 days instead of using almost 80 days. By following my guide, anyone can create the foundation for a spectacular operation with only 1 person in less than a month even if adding 2 "resting" days!:-)

Day 1: Moving and getting your equipment and gear into place.

Day 2: Installing all equipment - fume hood, fan etc.

Day 3: Finishing the metal skeletons/cylinders for the blast devices and completing other practical issues relating to gear and equipment.

Day 4: Creating an evacuation/emergency strategy, packing an evacuation kit (survival gear etc.)

Day 5: Grinding 2,5kg of aspirin: 30 minutes with blender, manufacture of acetylsalicylic acid from aspirin (4 hours) + drying in oven (4 hours per batch x 3)

Day 6: Manufacture of acetylsalicylic acid from aspirin (4 hours) + drying in oven (4 hours per batch x 3)

Day 7: Boiling sulfuric acid using 4 cooking plates outside, from 23.00-07.00, 15-18L->5L of 90%+

Day 8: Boiling sulfuric acid using 4 cooking plates outside, from 23.00-07.00, 15-18L->5L of 90%+

Day 9: Creating Picric Acid (6 out of 12 batches using 3 x hot plate stirrers)

Day 10: Creating Picric Acid (12 out of 12 batches using 3 x hot plate stirrers). Completed

Day 11: Purification of Picric Acid

Day 12: Purification of Picric Acid

Day 13: Purification of Picric Acid. Completed

Day 14: Creating DDNP

Day 15: Creating DDNP. Completed

Day 16: Relocation of 27-0-0 fertilizer. Break down a 600kg bag into 13-14 x 50kg bags, load in the truck, drive to location where you are going to crush them if needed.

Day 17: Relocation of fertilizer. Break down another 600kg bag into 13-14 x 50kg bags.

Day 18: Relocation of fertilizer. Break down the last 600kg bag into 13-14 x 50kg bags.

Day 19: Initiate fertilizer grinding phase using 4 stationary blenders simultaneously. It will take aprox. 30-40 minutes to complete a full 50kg bag of ANFO, including the addition of the diesel and sealing the inner and outer bag with pieces of duct tape. It should be done nighttime between 23.00-07.00 as its quite noisy. The task also includes filling 20L plastic containers with diesel, and then breaking each 20L container down to 4L containers (empty distilled water containers) Complete 9 x 50kg bags of ANFO.

Day 20: Complete 9 x 50kg bags of ANFO.

Day 21: Complete 9 x 50kg bags of ANFO.

Day 22: Complete 9 x 50kg bags of ANFO. Completed.

Day 23: Mix in 2,5% (by weight) micro balloons and 10-15% (by weight) aluminium powder into the now hardened ANFO.

Day 24: Mix in 2,5% micro balloons and 10-15% aluminium powder into the now hardened ANFO.

Day 25: Mix in 2,5% micro balloons and 10-15% aluminium powder into the now hardened ANFO.

Day 26: Prepare trucks for transportation.

Day 27: Prepare trucks for transportation.

Day 28: Prepare trucks for transportation.

Day 29: Completed
Sist endret av looperjohn; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:44.
It should be noted that English is my secondary language and due to certain security precautions I was unable to have the documents professionally edited and proof read. Needless to say, there is a potential for improving it literarily. As such, consider it a ”first edition draft”. The responsibility falls upon you now as I will, for obvious reasons, not be able to develop it any further.
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Har tydeligvis planlagt alt ned til detalj
Denne bokden avslører vell det meste tenker jeg? Den som fant tenker jeg har hjulpet en god del hvis politiet ikke hadde kjennskap til den tidligere.
Dette kan jo forklare hvorfor politiet ropte til folk at det er to bomber til!! Har lurt på om PST visste om denne fyren i forveien...
Sist endret av Jotun; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:46.
var ikke aprilspøk!
Harabo's Avatar
Alle disse utdragene fra en eller annen bok, hvor er det dere leser dette? Kunne gjerne tenkt meg og sett hele boken!
Ingen ting i norske medier om boken enda?
har tipset media
Sitat av coppspirit Vis innlegg
Ingen ting i norske medier om boken enda?
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Nei, kommer nok snart. Har tipset alle om innholdet i boken
JunkieXL's Avatar
Er det noen av dere som har lastet opp denne boken i dag, i og med at upload-datoen er 23. Juli?
fant den på SA
Har akkurat lastet ned boken. Hva er det som knytter den til Anders Breivik?
Han har skrevet den?
Faen, han ønsker jo å være den første dominobrikka i en kamp mot multikulturalisme! Ved å spre boka får han jo også spredd sitt budskap som kan i verste fall vekke andre sympatisører.
Bilder av han i diverse kostymer og uniformer på slutten av boken.....

Sitat av Klatremus Vis innlegg
Faen, han ønsker jo å være den første dominobrikka i en kamp mot multikulturalisme! Ved å spre boka får han jo også spredd sitt budskap som kan i verste fall vekke andre sympatisører.
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har tenkt tanken...
Sist endret av bukaroonie; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:56.
I believe this will be my last entry. It is now Fri July 22nd, 12.51.

Sincere regards,

Andrew Berwick
Justiciar Knight Commander
Knights Templar Europe
Knights Templar Norway
Denne mannen er uten tvil ekstremt smart og gjorde hjemmeleksa si skikkelig. Han skrev boken fordi han visste den ville få oppmerksomhet etter massakren, og nå får den det også. Han oppnår målet sitt og sprer budskapet sitt. Nesten så man kan beundre mannen for hvor godt gjennomtenkt alt er.
Sist endret av Kunitsyn; 23. juli 2011 kl. 20:59.
Boken er skrevet av Anders under navnet "Andrew Berwick" (som ifølge noen er en "oversettelse" av navnet hans).
Naturlig Talentløs
Gig's Avatar
får jeg utfordre noen til å gjøre dette?
en utrolig vakker video som varmer litt på en mørk dag
Han opplyser navnet sitt på norsk mange ganger.
Sykt, sykt, sykt. Fyren har altså mer eller mindre planlagt dette siden 1999. Funnet av denne boken er jo helt drøyt. Hvor er det han har fortalt folk om den?
Sitat av Klatremus Vis innlegg
Faen, han ønsker jo å være den første dominobrikka i en kamp mot multikulturalisme! Ved å spre boka får han jo også spredd sitt budskap som kan i verste fall vekke andre sympatisører.
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Nettopp! Ved å spre boken hans, gjør vi akkurat det han vil at vi skal gjøre. Det står til og med i innledningen i boken - at det eneste han ber om av oss som lesere er å spre det, sånn at budskapet skal spre seg. Rapporter heller siden til 2shared (vet ikke om det har noe for seg, men kan være de sperrer den om nok rapporterer den), og la i alle fall være å tipse media om dette.
Allikavel er det en lettelse å ha funnet hans "testament" sånn sett... langt lettere å "forstå" bakgrunnen for alt dette etterhvert da, vil jeg tro.
Les fra side: 1455

Beklager spam, men mye sykt her.

Saturday May 14 - Day 13: I continued to synthesize acetylsalicylic acid from aspirin.

It's the Eurovision finale today. I just love Eurovision...!:-) It's a lot of crap music but I think it's a great show all in all. I've seen all the semi finals and will take the time of to watch it later today, online. My country has a crap, politically correct contribution as always. An asylum seeker from Kenya, performing a bongo song, very representative of Europe and my country... In any case; I hope Germany wins!
Sist endret av telebohrian82; 23. juli 2011 kl. 21:05.
Sitat av Inge(n) Vis innlegg
Fant du artikkelen på aftenposten eller aftenposten mobil?

Publisert og oppdatert datoene endres forøvrig til tidpunktet når man går inn på siden. Den ble først publisert i forgårs tror jeg..
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Politiet glemte å informere om øvelse
Oppdatert: 18.03.10 kl. 09:35 Publisert: 17.03.10 kl. 17:23

Publisert for over et år siden. Mars 2010! Bygningen de øvde på er også revet nå.

Herregud, folkens. Snakk om å være tette i nøtta.
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Sitat av mikkello Vis innlegg
Optimal time budget, one person - ANFO: 3 x 600kg, PA: 3 x 0,5kg, DDNP: 3 x 10g
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Det kan da ikke være mulig å sette av 600 kg anfo med 500 gram pikrinsyre (!), selv om sprengstoffet var sensitivisert både med aluminium og mikroglassballonger?
Sitat av hallohei Vis innlegg
Nettopp! Ved å spre boken hans, gjør vi akkurat det han vil at vi skal gjøre. Det står til og med i innledningen i boken - at det eneste han ber om av oss som lesere er å spre det, sånn at budskapet skal spre seg. Rapporter heller siden til 2shared (vet ikke om det har noe for seg, men kan være de sperrer den om nok rapporterer den), og la i alle fall være å tipse media om dette.
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Hallo... så man skal vite minst mulig om ABB og hva som trigget han? SKal vi ikke kunne lære noe av dette? Hva er du redd for skal komme frem?
håper alle som innehaver informasjon om denne boken sender til politi i oslo. om det ikke har blitt gjort
Trigonoceps occipita
vidarlo's Avatar
Sitat av hallohei Vis innlegg
Nettopp! Ved å spre boken hans, gjør vi akkurat det han vil at vi skal gjøre. Det står til og med i innledningen i boken - at det eneste han ber om av oss som lesere er å spre det, sånn at budskapet skal spre seg. Rapporter heller siden til 2shared (vet ikke om det har noe for seg, men kan være de sperrer den om nok rapporterer den), og la i alle fall være å tipse media om dette.
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Å prøve å undertrykke informasjon er meiningslaust i dagens samfunn. Og uansett om en sympatiserer eller ikkje er det greit å ha innsikt, spesielt for PST når dei skal hindre framtidig brungrums i å slå rot.

Som inspirasjonskjelde vil den jo vere lite brukbar, tviler på at aksjonsforma has har styrka dei miljøa han hevder å støtte for å sei det slik. Bombing av regjeringskvartalet kan nok en del akseptere, men å skyte ungdom sit langt inne, og er ei handling som vekker så universell avsky.
Informasjon om denne tråden: Vi har valgt å kjøre en mer passiv modereringsstil når det gjelder denne hendelsen, men nå begynner ting å gå litt over styr. Vi varsler at denne tråden kommer til å bli stengt om en dag eller to ettersom den har syltet ned i "chatting" og et evig sammensurium av ulike emner. Dere som har emner dere fortsatt ønsker å diskutere som er relatert til dette kan lage dere en egen tråd som er litt mer avgrenset til ett emne.

"Internett-detektiver": Vær snill å tenk dere om et par ganger før dere legger ut informasjon om mennesker som dere "tror" kan ha noe med denne saken å gjøre. Tro kan dere gjøre i kirken, som de sier. Dere hadde ikke likt det hvis andre la ut deres navn og på syltynnt grunnlag insinuerte at dere hadde noe med denne saken å gjøre...
Tråden er nå stengt. Dette er på ingen måte for å stoppe diskusjon om emnet eller å bedrive sensur, men for å føre til en ryddigere og mer strukturert debatt. Dere som ønsker å diskutere videre kan lage nye tråder som er mer avgrenset til et konkret emne per tråd.