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Mullein - Filtkongslys:

Mullein is a fine medicinal for the lungs, even when
you smoke it. It soothes inflamed or infected lungs,
and prevents coughing until infection or
inflammation is broken. Then it aids in
expectoration, helping to break up congestion and
promote "effective" coughing. It was smoked to stop
the coughing of tuberculosis years ago. It is
wonderful for any kind of lung cleansing. Very gentle
and non-toxic, you can use it anytime. If you are a
smoker, and you are sick and can't stop coughing
from a cold, you can smoke some Mullein instead of
Tobacco. It may help you to stop coughing, and you
will have smoked one less cigarette. If you are not a
smoker, stick with tincture (extract) or Mullein tea.
After all, there's no need to smoke when you're sick
in your lungs.

It also has almost no flavor and is a very light
smoke. I have never seen anyone become addicted
to smoking Mullein, as after a while it is very
unsatisfying. The average smoker would feel as if
they're smoking air.

Crispy dried crushed Mullein is a lousy smoke. Be
sure to keep it ever so slightly moist. Dried Mullein
should be rubbed for the best results. It will become
very fluffy and puffy. This fuzzy rubbed Mullein will
burn evenly when smoked in a paper or pipe. It will
hold other herbs that are in the form of small pieces
and powder, and keep them evenly distributed. And
it has no flavor! Ideal for a smoking base; I use it in
almost every smoking mixture.

I like the light green baby leaves found in the center
of the first year basal rosette, but it's a matter of
personal choice. Any leaf will work.

(Ikke sikkert det er samme, men jeg nevner det likevel)

Willow Bark, Salix sp.

The species of Willows are numerous and hard to
identify. As a botanist, there seems to be as many
different kinds of Willows as stars in the southern
sky. Each of these Willows has a slightly different
flavor and texture. Experiment to find the one you
like the best.

Willows have medicinal effects internally. They
contain salicylates that act like aspirin to relieve
inflammation, lower fevers, and relieve pain. These
properties do not transfer through smoking

Også har vi jo malurt da:

Blackberry, Rubus sp.

Blackberry root is a strong astringent that has use in
smoking mixtures. Be sure to powder the root and
mix well. The bark of the stems can also be used.
The leaves are very gentle, and can be added also.
Any Rubus like Raspberry, Loganberry,
Thimbleberry, and Salmonberry might be useful

Acorus Calamus

This ancient herb is mentioned in the Bible and is
chewed by the Natives of Northeastern Canada on a
daily basis. It is also used in ayurvedic medicine for
canceling out the negative effects of consistent
marijuana smoking. This makes it an especially
good smoke for those who are quitting long term
marijuana use. In small doses it is a stimulant. In
large internal doses it is hallucinogenic. It's main
ingredient (TMA) is more psychoactive by weight
than mescaline. However, smoking it will not cause
psychic pyrotechnics. It appears to provide a
relaxed, pleasant, mild psychotropic effect very
different from Marijuana. It is very unlike calming
herbs used to quit Marijuana because it will make
your head cloudy.

The active ingredient of Calamus is not the most
stable of compounds. It will deteriorate within a few
years leaving the herb useless. Try to get as fresh
an herb as possible and buy large pieces if
possible. Break these pieces up small before use in
a pipe. If you use papers, powder the herb and mix


Skullcap is a very good calming herb to smoke. I
find that the commercially available Scutellaria
lateriflora is not very strong as a smoke. Almost all
commercially available Skullcap is too dry and
stemmy to make a good smoke. The Scutellaria
galericulata the more common plant found growing
wild in the United States is much stronger. It is
roughly equivalent in strength to good Marijuana
leaf or bud shake. It works in almost all cases. The
nice green leaf is easy to roll and blends well with
many smoking mixtures. It is one of my standard
smoking ingredients.

I have found through blatant experimentation that
the desert species of Skullcap, Scutellaria nana, is
exceptionally strong. We affectionately call it Mad
Dog Desert Skullcap. Mad Dog Weed is another
common name for Skullcap as this plant was used to
treat rabies in the past. Found throughout the Great
Basin the small, nearly invisible plant is as strong as
the highest quality Marijuana. Unfortunately, it will
cloud your head and make you tired unlike most of
the other herbs we use. If you live in a desert area
you should definitely try your local little Skullcap.
This herb is so strong I urge mixing it with other

Elephant's Head, Parrot's Beak, and Indian
Warrior, Pedicularis sp.

Jeg vet det finnes arter av pedicularis i norge, men har ikke helt oversikten nå, skal undersøke...

All of the Pedicularis' are tranquilizers and muscle
relaxants. They are of varying strengths with
Elephant's Head, Pedicularis groenlandica, being
the mildest. The most outstanding thing about
Pedicularis' are their flavor. They are the best
tasting herbs for smoking I have found. Some are so
strong that they rival Mad Dog Desert Skullcap.
Many of them form unusual looking groups of
flowers that dry into illegal looking buds. Indeed,
Elephant's Head dries to beautiful red or purple
buds with what appears to be red hairs. Cobrahead,
Pedicularis bracteosa, dries into green buds that
could easily confuse a local peace officer. The
effects however are profoundly different.

A student of mine went by herself to collect some
Elephant's Head for her smoking mixture. While she
picked, she kept munching on the heads. The next
thing she knew, she was waking up from a nap and
the sun was going down. It is a fine herb indeed.

There is very little reference to these plants in the
herbal literature except for Michael Moore's
Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West. I did find two
other references. One was an Italian article on
identification. Another was that the natives in Tibet
use their Pedicularis for upset stomachs and kidney
problems. Still as I wander through the high
mountain meadows enjoying the wonderful gifts of
the earth, I find it very hard to believe that the
Native Americans in my area did not use this plant.

A number of years back I had a student whose uncle
was very woods wise. After a number of classes he
visited his uncle. The uncle was impressed with his
knowledge, and with a wry grin asked, "But have
you tried the Pedicularis yet?" I wondered how the
uncle knew about these plants. I found out that he
learned of Pedicularis from a Native American friend
whose tribe smoked it. There are many uses of
plants that have not been recorded even now.

These plants are a welcome addition to any
smoking mixture both as flavor and a medicine.
Elephant's Head has the best flavor but is the
mildest, but every Pedicularis I have tasted has
been an excellent smoke


Melissa is an herb often escaped from gardens and
easy to find in the Pacific Northwest growing wild in
cities. It is a very mild and friendly calming herb that
will add a peaceful lemony flavor to any blend.

Ganske sikker på at man finner kattemynte/nepeta cataria i norge. Skulle ikke forunde meg om plantasjen hadde det f.eks.

Humle (humulus lupus)
Jeg vet ikke jeg men, felix, smakte det noe særlig? =)

Resten av mynte-familien
Sist endret av okaminaru; 23. august 2005 kl. 20:20.