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Ministry of Love
sptz's Avatar
det burde vel igrunnen vært påkrevd at alle leste og forsto god gammeldags netiquette før de skrev en post på et hvilket som helst forum. Desverre er det ikke mulig å kreve dette. Likevel synes jeg det er fear og kreve at folk lever opp til disse kravene etter å ha tilbrakt en tid på forumet. Om folket ikke skjønner det så bør de kanskje vurdere sin deltakelse på et seriøst forum.

PS: ikke svar før du vet at du forstår hva linken min innebærer.

for ytterlige informasjon klikk på alle linken i wikipedias artikkel om netiquette

Edit: siden jeg innser at de folkene som faktisk ville klikke på linken min ikke er "problembarna" så skal jeg quote en liten men vesentlig del av innholdet i håp om at enda flere klikker på linken.

Sitat av RFC 1855
3.0 One-to-Many Communication (Mailing Lists, NetNews)

Any time you engage in One-to-Many communications, all the rules for mail should also apply. After all, communicating with many people via one mail message or post is quite analogous to communicating with one person with the exception of possibly offending a great many more people than in one-to-one communication. Therefore, it's quite important to know as much as you can about the audience of your message.
3.1 User Guidelines

3.1.1 General Guidelines for mailing lists and NetNews

Read both mailing lists and newsgroups for one to two months before you post anything. This helps you to get an understanding of the culture of the group.

Do not blame the system administrator for the behavior of the system users.

Consider that a large audience will see your posts. That may include your present or your next boss. Take care in what you write. Remember too, that mailing lists and Newsgroups are frequently archived, and that your words may be stored for a very long time in a place to which many people have access.

Assume that individuals speak for themselves, and what they say does not represent their organization (unless stated explicitly).

Remember that both mail and news take system resources. Pay attention to any specific rules covering their uses your organization may have.

Messages and articles should be brief and to the point. Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't send mail or post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling. These, more than any other behavior, mark you as an immature beginner.

Subject lines should follow the conventions of the group.

Forgeries and spoofing are not approved behavior.

Advertising is welcomed on some lists and Newsgroups, and abhorred on others! This is another example of knowing your audience before you post. Unsolicited advertising which is completely off-topic will most certainly guarantee that you get a lot of hate mail.

If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure you summarize the original at the top of the message, or include just enough text of the original to give a context. This will make sure readers understand when they start to read your response. Since NetNews, especially, is proliferated by distributing the postings from one host to another, it is possible to see a response to a message before seeing the original. Giving context helps everyone. But do not include the entire original!

Again, be sure to have a signature which you attach to your message. This will guarantee that any peculiarities of mailers or newsreaders which strip header information will not delete the only reference in the message of how people may reach you.

Be careful when you reply to messages or postings. Frequently replies are sent back to the address which originated the post - which in many cases is the address of a list or group! You may accidentally send a personal response to a great many people, embarrassing all involved. It's best to type in the address instead of relying on "reply."

Delivery receipts, non-delivery notices, and vacation programs are neither totally standardized nor totally reliable across the range of systems connected to Internet mail. They are invasive when sent to mailing lists, and some people consider delivery receipts an invasion of privacy. In short, do not use them.

If you find a personal message has gone to a list or group, send an apology to the person and to the group.

If you should find yourself in a disagreement with one person, make your responses to each other via mail rather than continue to send messages to the list or the group. If you are debating a point on which the group might have some interest, you may summarize for them later.

Don't get involved in flame wars. Neither post nor respond to incendiary material.

Avoid sending messages or posting articles which are no more than gratuitous replies to replies.

Be careful with monospacing fonts and diagrams. These will display differently on different systems, and with different mailers on the same system.

There are Newsgroups and Mailing Lists which discuss topics of wide varieties of interests. These represent a diversity of lifestyles, religions, and cultures. Posting articles or sending messages to a group whose point of view is offensive to you simply to tell them they are offensive is not acceptable. Sexually and racially harassing messages may also have legal implications. There is software available to filter items you might find objectionable.
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Sist endret av sptz; 3. desember 2007 kl. 15:22.