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While aluminum is not a heavy metal, it has been found to be toxic. Because aluminum permeates our air,water, and soil, small amounts are present in our food. The average person consumes between three and ten milligrams of aluminum a day. Only recently has research revealed that aluminum is absorbed and accumulated in the body. Aluminum is a popular metal used to make cookware, cooking utensils, and foil. Excessive use of antacids is the most common cause of aluminum toxicity. Mylanta, Maalox, Glusil, Amphojel, and many others have a high aluminum hydroxide content. Many over-the-counter drugs used for inflammation and pain contain aluminum, including Arthritis Pain Formula, Ascriptin, Bufferin, and Vanquish. Several douche preparations, including Massengil and Summer's Eve, contain aluminum. It is also an additive in most baking powders and is sometimes evident in drinking water.

Many symptoms of aluminum toxicity are similar to those of Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis. Aluminum toxicity can lead to colic, rickets, gastro-intestinal disturbances, poor calcium metabolism, extreme nervousness, anemia, headache, decreased liver and kidney function, forgetfulness, speech disturbances,and memory loss, softening of the bones, and weak, aching muscles. Research suggests that a chronic calcium deficiency may change the way in which the body uses minerals. Bone loss and increased intestinal absorption of aluminum and silicon combine to form compounds that accumulate in the cerebral cortex of the brain. These compounds prevent impulses from being carried to or from the brain.

An accumulation of aluminum salts in the brain has been implicated in seizures and reduced mental faculties. Autopsies performed on Alzheimer's victims revealed that four times the normal amount of aluminum had accumulated in the nerve cells in the brain. This suggests that long-term accumulation of aluminum in the brain may contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, an unidentified protein not found in normal brain tissue has been discovered in the the brain tissue of Alzheimer's victims.

Because aluminum is excreted by the kidneys, toxic amount of aluminum may impair kidney function. Working in aluminum smelting plants for long periods can lead to dizziness, impaired coordination, and losses of balance and energy. Accumulations of aluminum in the brain was cited as a possible cause for these symptoms as well.

In addition to aluminum cookware, foil, antacids, baking powders, buffered aspirin, and most city water,aluminum is also used in food processing (pickles and relishes, in particular), antiperspirants, deodorants, beer (especially when in aluminum cans), bleached flour, table salt, tobacco smoke, cram of tartar, Parmesan and grated cheeses, aluminum salts, douches, and canned goods.

Those who enjoy fast foods should be aware that processed cheese has a high aluminum content. The food product having perhaps the highest aluminum content is the cheeseburger. This mineral is added to give processed cheese its melting quality for use on hamburgers.

Heavy Metal Toxicity
There are several toxic and heavy metals that are relevant to Attention Deficit Disorders such as ADD and ADHD, and the general physical and mental health of children, as well as adults. They are aluminum, lead, cadmium, and mercury. I traditionally run hair analyses for the kids, teens, and adults who have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities, in addition to those people whose symptoms or conditions are chronic, complex, or mysterious.

Some of those examples are people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS or multiple sclerosis, lupus, severe allergies, and environmental illnesses. A hair analysis can determine what percentage of what minerals are being excreted through the tissue, as well as what toxic metals, if any are present.

Assessing the balance of these minerals including trace minerals is especially helpful. I often find that there are one or more toxic metals in the bodies of children and adults, in cautionary or elevated amounts. These toxic metals contribute to depression, hyperactivity, learning disorders, nervous system imbalances, fatigue, memory problems, allergies and yeast, or candida in the body. Here are some of their sources:

Lead - Nowadays, lead is usually absorbed into the body by drinking contaminated water or breathing polluted air. Water from lead pipes may be contaminated with lead. Fumes from lead-based paints, automobile exhaust, polluted air from industrial plants, or cigarette smoke may all contain lead. Some cosmetics even contain small amounts. Many lead-containing products, however, are now outlawed.
Lead toxicity in children can delay growth, impair motor skill development, and affect neurotransmission, altering the output and utilization of the brain chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA that control behavior and emotions. Toxicity of this metal can also cause attention deficits, behavioral disorders, lowered I.Q., poor hand-eye coordination and low vocabulary and reading skills.

Physical symptoms of elevated lead in both children and adults can be abdominal pain, irritability, constipation, and lack of hunger. In more progressive lead poisoning, a person may experience bone pain, gout, arthritis, anemia, memory loss, and numbness or tingling in the extremities.

Mercury - Mercury is a toxic heavy metal, often found in the tissues of those people with dental amalgams. Other contributors of mercury are contaminated fish, such as tuna, latex wall paint, and polluted water.
Mercury toxicity may cause decreased attention span, irritability, and lack of calmness. Learning disorders may result. Memory loss and fatigue are symptoms often reported by those with mercury toxicity. This metal can also cross the placenta of a pregnant woman and the fetus may emerge contaminated.

Mercury was found in the cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, at levels eight times higher than in the neurologically healthy controls, according to one scientific study. When the mercury is detoxified from the body, many people regain their muscle control and strength.

A mind-blowing article by Lauran Neergaard presented by the Associated Press, addressed a concern of the U.S. government to vaccine manufacturers regarding the presence of a form of mercury in vaccines. The questionable substance is thimerosal, an antibacterial substance used to prevent contamination of the vaccine.

Researchers at Columbia University are concerned that some children receive several vaccines in one visit and that could conceivably add up to the precautionary limit of mercury determined by the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. The Associated Press article stated the mercury toxicity leads to brain damage. The harmful mercury-containing substance, thimerosal is not in all vaccines, but is currently in the hepatitis B and DPT vaccines.

Probably the most controversial issue concerning mercury toxicity is in the world of dentistry. Most dental amalgams contain mercury and they are poisonous. About 98 percent of the North American population develops cavities, and mercury amalgams are packed into four fifths of them.

Common symptoms of mercury poisoning are arthritis and inflammation, cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, dementia, and allergies. Psychosomatic, unknown, or mysterious conditions, often related to allergies may clear up after the mercury amalgams are removed from the mouth.

Though mainstream dentistry does not agree that the mercury amalgams are causing so many problems, there are some dentists who believe that the best thing to do is to remove the amalgams. This must be done very precisely by someone who knows and understands this process, because mercury can slip into the body when the amalgams are being removed. Most dentists who do this procedure recommend nutritional programs containing antioxidant supplements, immune builders, liver detoxifiers, and bowel cleansers to enhance detoxification of this harmful metal.

Cadmium - Cadmium is also very toxic. Symptoms of cadmium toxicity are sore joints, decreased appetite, slow growth, zinc deficiency, and kidney stones. The highest contributor to cadmium toxicity is cigarette smoke; it is found in cured tobacco. This is toxic for both the smoker and the non-smoker. First hand and second hand smoke are high sources of cadmium.
Other sources are well water, some soft water, evaporated milk, and some organ meats such as kidney and liver. Cadmium pipes can be a source, as well as fungicides sprayed on apples, tobacco, and potatoes. Cadmium can weaken the immune system and allow bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites to proliferate.

Aluminum - The most common metal that I find in the people I consult with is aluminum. Today, aluminum is everywhere .... under your arms, in your teeth, and on your baby's skin. Anti-perspirants, toothpaste, dental amalgams, baby powder, cosmetics, and cigarette filters contain aluminum. We ingest it in some drinking waters, some commercial teas, cheeses, white flour, baking powder, aspirin, and table salt. We cook with it too; some pots and pans contain aluminum. Unfortunately, many over-the-counter and prescription antacids for digestive difficulties, contain aluminum.
Aluminum may also leach out of aluminum foil or cans into food and beverages. Sodas (with phosphoric acid), tomato sauce, pineapple, and coffee in aluminum cans are major culprits, as well as food wrapped in aluminum foil. Commercial tomato sauces are often prepared in huge aluminum pots and the acidity of the tomatoes can cause the leaching of aluminum from the cookware into the finished product. Coffee prepared in aluminum pots and pans may also be toxic.

Heavy coffee drinkers may also be at risk another way. It is speculated that because coffee drinking causes an acidic reaction in the digestive tract, aluminum contained in any food or drug may become toxic or more toxic, because the acid will cause it to collect in the bloodstream. There it can be carried to the brain along with the very blood that’s supposed nourish the brain cells. Aluminum has been implicated for years in several brain diseases.

It is sometimes found excreted in the hair of children diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, and those with seizures. Hyperactivity, memory disturbances, and learning disabilities may result from even mildly elevated levels of aluminum. Inhibition of neurotransmission and impaired motor coordination may also result. Aluminum is also found in some seniors with extreme memory loss, absent-mindedness, or dementia. Science has been linking elevation of aluminum in the body with Alzheimer’s disease for years.

According to a report in the Lancet in 1989, many infant formulas contain aluminum. In this report it was revealed that human breast milk contained 5-20 micrograms per liter of aluminum, cow’s milk-based formulas contained 20 times as much aluminum, and soy-based formulas contained 100 times as much. So human breast milk had the lowest concentrations, proving to be the safest.

Physical symptoms of aluminum toxicity may be brittle bones or osteoporosis, as aluminum is stored in the bones. Kidney malfunction may also result, as the kidneys filter aluminum.

If you were to look in the PDR or Physician’s Desk Reference for ingredients of the many varied pharmaceutical drugs, you would find some form aluminum listed for an appalling amount of them. These drugs are prescribed for us, our children, and our grandchildren every day. For the health of your children and your family, read your labels and scrutinize what goes into your mouths. Investigate your household products, get your well water tested, and avoid the known sources of these toxic metals.

If you or your health practitioner suspect that there may be toxic metal poisoning, then get a hair analysis to confirm that. This will reveal which metals, if any, are present in the hair, and how the balance of minerals plays a role in that person’s mental, physical, and emotional health.

About I.V. and Oral Chelation

Now for the good news! Heavy and toxic metals can be detoxified. The body can be inspired to release these harmful toxins, although sometimes stubborn, with the use of various techniques. These techniques fall into two categories: I.V. chelation therapy and oral chelation therapy. In both types of chelation, a particular substance wraps around or "claws" the toxic metal in order to usher it out of the cells.

I.V. chelation therapy is the most sophisticated form of cellular detoxification. In this chelation, a protein-like material called EDTA or ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid binds with or chelates the toxic and heavy metals. The body excretes them through the urinary tract or the bowel. So it encourages flow of toxic metals out of the cells, into the bloodstream, and out of the body.

ACAM, the American College of Advancement in Medicine has compiled 3,539 laboratory and clinical journal articles about EDTA and chelation therapy. Although not generally accepted by the medical mainstream, chelation therapy has been shown to be very effective for heavy metal detoxification, vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, and brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The other effective form of therapy to rid the body of metals is called oral chelation therapy. The meaning is obvious; by ingesting certain substances, detoxification of toxic metals results. There are several extremely effective substances that are readily available from your health food store, your health care provider, or from the company direct.

DMSA or succinic acid is a sulfhydryl-containing compound that binds to metallic elements in the body to aid in detoxification.

N-acetylcysteine in capsule form promotes detoxification of the liver by enhancing the synthesis of glutathione. The herb and food (or spice) cilantro, often referred to as coriander, is excellent for detoxifying metals from the body as are most high chlorophyll-containing foods. Coriander is especially good for detoxifying mercury from the body.

The cream-of-the-crop detoxifiers are the algaes. Chlorella or green algae has been researched for years, especially in Japan for its ability to bind with toxic metals in the body. My experience has led me to the freshwater blue green algae from Klamath Lake in Oregon. Between the chlorophyll, the chelated minerals, and the amino acids, this algae gives those toxic metals a run for their money! It is very effective in supporting the immune system in this process.

Most importantly when you are consciously inspiring the release of any of these metals from the cells, you must support the liver, kidney, and colon in the process. In other words, the metals have to have a way out of the body!!! Drinking water and enhancing bowel function are imperative at this time. Glad to know we do have answers!

Mye info. Personlig tar jeg ikke sjansen

Det er mye lese stoff dere trenger sikkert ikke lese alt for å skjønne vha jeg sikter etter. Bunn i grunn ikke røyk i folie

Beklager extremt mye for dårlig staving lider av søvn mangel har gjort det i 3 uker nå sry
Sist endret av Corrupt; 7. januar 2006 kl. 14:43.