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Det du forteller om ble nevnt i PiHKAL også, en person var klinisk
død i noen minutter som følge av å ha entret en dør eller portal mens han var kraftig påvirket av LSD.

Anne shulgin, sammen med andre terapeuter utviklet derfor et regelsett:

1. "All sexual feelings are allowable; they can and should be discussed, but will not be physically acted out here".
2. "Feelings of hostility and anger are allowable; they can and should be talked about, but must not be acted out against me or my possessions, except in a manner agreed to between the two of us".
3. "If you (the patient) should see the friendly death door and know that, by stepping through it, can be done with this life, you will NOT do so during this session. You will not end your life in such a way, when you are here with me, because such an act woul cause me great injury, and you will not injure me, as I will not injure you".
4. "You will swear to abide by these rules, without exception and without reservations".
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Men, jeg vil presisere at hverken jeg eller bekjente av meg som har prøvd LSD har sett denne døren eller portalen, jeg tror vi snakker om temmelig heftige doser LSD.
Sist endret av Dodecha; 17. desember 2008 kl. 14:24.