Tråd: Kristendom...
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DUxo, det var en *smule* overdrevet. Riktignok så er mange kriger/folkemord basert på religiøse motsetninger, men alle store kriger har vært om HELT andre ting.

Bare en ting fra ChristianBurner:

In the following sections, I assert that the Christian god is error.
In the beginning- a complete god feels incomplete and decides to create.
Heaven- an all-powerful god decides he needs help and creates angels.
Earth- god creates plants, day, and light before he creates the sun - and later infuses photosynthesis.
Garden of Eden- a just god tests and deceives Adam.
Angels & Animals- god gives angels the desire to procreate with humans, and then create hybrids.
The Flood- god decides the world is too wicked and fixes it by killing all but eight humans.
Moses & Egypt- god kills innocent children, then rewards the Israelites with 40 years in the desert, maggots, and death.
Jesus- god chooses violence as a solution and kills his own son to appease his anger.
Hell- god uses negative reinforcement to make humans do what he wanted all along.
Conclusion- god is either completely mentally underdeveloped, or he is false (in either case Christians are mentally underdeveloped ).
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