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Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro
Produkt: DEA8620035U1

ICL Mach64Ct-C2 PCI BIOS Rel B
ICL System BIOS #51 Versjon 1.23

Får følgende melding under boot:

Bios(61): Hard disk controller error, status = 20H
Bios(23): Hard disk init failed

Funnet noe etter noen søk på nettet:
BIOS(23): Hard disk init failed
A fixed-disk fault has been recorded in the parameter memory, and SETUP has not been
used for checking the fixed-disk types since the recording. When an unformatted fixed disk
is installed, this message is normal and should be ignored. Use SETUP to correct the fixeddisk
type. If the message persists, the fixed disk or the disk controller is defective.

BIOS(61): Hard disk controller error, status=codeH
Internal diagnostics failed. If this message persists, the fixed-disk controller must be

Noen som kunne forklart hva dette betyr, og hva som må gjøres for å fikse det?