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4GB AEE PD80 Mini DV DVR Camera

This extremely small and lightweight field camera is used to document your operation. 4 GB is equivalent to 2 hour of constant filming. Ive personally tested it and it works great. Some governments may seize the movie (after you are neutralized) and publish it while others may bury it or even destroy it to protect the multiculturalist ideology. The reason is that they may regard any documentation from the Justiciar Knight as a mockery of their system. On the other hand, they may actually release the film to the press censored or even uncensored. You may want to bring 2 memory chips and attempt to mail one of them, if possible. You place the memory chip in a pre-made envelope (with stamps and the address of a pre-selected news desk that is likely to publish it uncensored). The best option would of course be to upload the digital movie via high speed internet (your Iphone) to a distribution site at the end of your mission. Unfortunately though, uploading 1-2 GB would take at least 3-7 hours. Also, there is normally a 200MB-ish cap on email attatchments so sending the movie to 10-20 newsdesks is not yet an option due to technological limitations. This will off course change at some point in the future.

Sold on Ebay (Chinese producer)
Cost is 87 USD
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Jeg tror det er en mulighet for at han filmet alt.... :/
Sist endret av ReOB; 24. juli 2011 kl. 00:01.