Tråd: Bombe i Oslo?
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Sitat av Kolobok Vis innlegg
Hva får deg til å tro at det er så enormt mye penger involvert fra hans side?
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My initial plan was to earn at least 5 million, then use the acquired funds to start a pan-European conservative movement or plan an advanced operation. It started out great and I earned my first mill (NOK) at the age of 24 which peaked at 4 million, 12 months later.
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I spent three years were I focused on writing the compendium, 2083. During a 12 month period in the beginning, I also played World of Warcraft part time (which had been a dream for some time – hardcore raiding. I lived very ascetic and relatively isolated in this period. These three years would also contribute to detach myself from my “old life”. It’s a process I used in order to isolate myself from most of my network, in preparation for the coming operation. I feel that this period was needed in order to completely ”detach myself from “the game”, my “former shallow consumerist lifestyle ” in order to ensure full focus on the matters at hand.
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Q: But doesn’t it worry you that 95% of all Europeans will openly detest you and call you a murderer and a terrorist?

A: It’s human nature to be selfish, to seek admiration, love and affection. This is why very few people will have the self insight, the ideological and moral confidence and strength to act selflessly on behalf of their own countrymen on their own initiative without a solid hierarchical organisation or country supporting and encouraging them. [...]
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Er ikke så mange spørsmål som blir utelatt til fantasien, etter å ha skummet meg igjennom den boken...