Tråd: PMMA!
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The Dutch Drug Information and Monitoring System gave out a warning to be on the lookout for some really bad pills that go around. They're white clovers (with 4 leaves) and they contain PMMA, although it may go around as a white powder as well. PMMA IS NOT ECSTASY, NOR HAS IT ANY OF THE DESIRED EFFECTS. The real danger comes from the long time it takes before the stuff starts working. People will probably think they don't feel anything and take more, or other pills. This is where it goes bad : increases inheart rate and bloodpressure as well as a rise in body temp. PMMA sort of shuts down the brakes for these effects and it may KILL the user. In Norway there have been already 6 deaths related to this stuff. EZ TEST MARQUIS WILL NOT GIVE A REACTION WITH THIS STUFF AND WE THINK MANDELIN MAY TEST FOR THIS AS WELL. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!

Lurer på om dette finnes i pulverform? Fikk tilbud om å kjøpe MDA, gjorde så det. Prøvde en liten dose. Merket ingenting... fikk så kontakt med han som solgte meg dette igjen, han sa det kun var 3-4 doser i et gram. Men på så står det f.eks Dosage : Common for most people 100 - 150 mg. Merkelig.
Hadde helt glemt ut hva jeg har lest i avisene tidligere.. Har nå kastet resten av dritten i dass. Better safe than sorry...