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Sitat av GanjaFarmer Vis innlegg
Hvis du leser her. Så står det at mennesker kan ha opptil 20 millioner lukteceller.. hunder (avheningig av RASE! som jeg skrev!) KAN! JEG SKRIVER KAN ha 220 millioner lukteceller.. Noe som tilsvarer 10 ganger så mye... IKKE FLERE 100000000 ganger mer...
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Schmuck. Du kan ikke bedømme en luktesans på antall lukteceller alene.
It is estimated that dogs in general have an olfactory sense approximately a hundred thousand to a million times more acute than a human's. That is, they have a greater acuity. This does not mean they are overwhelmed by smells our noses can detect; rather, it means they can discern a molecular presence when it is in much greater dilution in the carrier, air. Scenthounds as a group can smell one- to ten-million times more acutely than a human, and Bloodhounds, which have the keenest sense of smell of any dogs, have noses ten- to one-hundred-million times more sensitive than a human's.
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