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umbra - a region of complete shadow resulting from total obstruction of light
Umbra - BIONICLE is a toy line by the LEGO Group marketed primarily at 6 to 16-year-olds. The toy line was launched in December 30, 1999 in Europe and ...
The Umbra is the spirit world, a shadow or reflection of the real world, in the old World of Darkness role-playing game setting. ...
Umbra is a sans-serif display typeface designed in 1935 by Robert Hunter Middleton. It is an adaptation of the uppercase set of his earlier typeface Tempo Light. ...
The umbra, penumbra and antumbra are the names given to three distinct parts of a shadow, created by any light source. For a point source only the umbra is cast.
Umbra - Shadow Lass is a fictional character, a comic book superheroine published by DC Comics. She first appeared in Adventure Comics vol. ...
umbra - A shadow; The central region of a sunspot
umbra - The area of total darkness in the shadow caused by an eclipse.
umbra - the darkest central portion of a shadow
umbra - In solar-terrestrial terms, the dark core or cores (umbrae) in a sunspot with penumbra, or a sunspot lacking penumbra.
umbra - a complete shadow (as of the Moon) within which the source of light (the Sun) is totally hidden from view.
umbra - The darker core of a shadow, usually cone shaped, and surrounded by a lighter penumbral shadow. Also refers to the darker center of sunspots. ...
umbra - سایه sâyé (#) Fr.mbre Optics: A dark area, especially the blackest part of a shadow from which all light is cut off. → penumbra. ...
umbra - The area traced on a planet during an eclipse where the eclipsed light source is completely blocked. Observers in the umbral shadow of a solar ...
umbra - the darkest part of the shadow cast by a non-luminous body, where it completely obscures the light from a self-luminous body. ...
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Jeg tror det er en "fornorsking" av umbra for å gjøre alt mystisk.