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Jeg vet ikke hvor kjent dere er med denne DvDen, men jeg har hvertfall fått lastet ned både 1`ern og 2`ern fra piratebay, torrenten har ganske bra seeds, så fikk lastet den ned på ca 1 time. 780MB er denne filen.

Klipp av DvDen hans:

Uansett, etter og ha sett filmen hans ble jeg nysjerrig på diverse "dopmyter" osv som jeg har sett folk har spurt om her, og som ingen kan gi konkrete svar på, sa da tenkte jeg "hvorfor ikke spørre han? Han jobbet tross alt som narkotikabetjent i 9 år."

Som jeg tenkte, så jeg gjorde. Jeg sendte mail til han fra nettsiden hans "". Skal poste hva jeg skrev, og svaret jeg fikk.

Her begynner mailen jeg sendte 1. Januar 2010.
(K-9 = narkotikahunder.)
Hi, Barry or whoever reads this message
I'm just wondering if the K-9s are trained to smell any other kind of drugs than weed? I got friends and other people saying that dogs are not trained to smell shrooms, DMT and such. They will smell it, but they will not alert on it. I just watched your DVD so this question came to mind.

I also got another question for you; I don't know if there is a myth or a urban legend in the drugcommunity of some sort, but I've been told that if K-9s get a direct smell, or snort amphetamin/speed, that their sense of smell or nose in that case get "ruined" and the dog can't smell anything and the dog needs to be replaced. The reason I'm asking is that a friend of mine is kind of a drugabuser, and when he gets...deliverance, you may call it; he takes 1g amphetamin and spreads it around his livingroom and kitchen and on the doormath, and sometimes infront of his weed-hiding-places so the dog won't smell it.

True or false? Answered with much gratitude.
btw, I think what you're doing is great
(I'm from Norway so excuse my crocked english if it occurs.)

Svaret jeg fikk dagen etterpå allerede. 2 Januar 2010:

Your English is excellent. K9s only alert on cocaine, methamphetamines (includes amphetamine and MDMA), heroin and pot. K9s do not alert on mushrooms or LSD or DMT.

The meth technique your friend is using does not work. In fact, it will help the dog find his pot. If he wants to confuse the dog at his house, he should wipe marijuana dust everywhere like I explain in Volume 1 Traffic Stops.




Det han hjalp meg med i denne mailen var at han spesifiserte HVA hunder markerer på, og hva hunder IKKE markerer på. Han kastet også bort det jeg har sett mange sagt på dette forumet at hunder blir ødelagt av amfetamin.

Vet ikke om dette var til noe hjelp, for dere, men jeg fikk hvertfall mye nyttig informasjon.