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IDF har opplyst at de ville komme til å rykke inn, og folk ble oppfordret til å distansere seg selv fra Hamas sin infrastruktur, alså betyr det at IDF faktisk bryr seg om sivile tap og prøver så godt det er mulig å unngå det. Og å poste et bilde av en forbrent person, uten mulighet til å verifisere at han stammer fra Fallujah (Kildekritikk? ...) er meningsløst.

Fra Wikipedia:

Sitat av
In an 2005 interview with RAI, Peter Kaiser, spokesman for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (an organization overseeing the CWC and reporting directly to the UN General Assembly), questioned whether the weapon should fall under the convention's provisions:

No it's not forbidden by the CWC if it is used within the context of a military application which does not require or does not intend to use the toxic properties of white phosphorus. White phosphorus is normally used to produce smoke, to camouflage movement.
If that is the purpose for which the white phosphorus is used, then that is considered under the convention legitimate use.
If on the other hand the toxic properties of white phosphorus are specifically intended to be used as a weapon, that of course is prohibited, because the way the convention is structured or the way it is in fact applied, any chemicals used against humans or animals that cause harm or death through the toxic properties of the chemical are considered chemical weapons".[4]
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