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Er det noen som vet om en metode man kan bruke for å ekstrahere koffein fra koffein-piller eller som kan bekrefte/avkrefte den metoden jeg fant på internet?

The extraction procedure was simple, and I was happy with how scotch-free it went. I didn't want to use toxic solvents for something going up my nose, so decided to stick with simple water. I took four tablets and grinded them thoroughly in a mortar and pestle. I then boiled a small quantity (~50mL) of water. I poured the boiling hot water into the mortar and pestle, just enough to cover the volume of the powder about two times, stirring vigorously. Quickly, whilst the water was still boiling hot, I decanted the solution onto a glass plate, leaving the binder in the mortar and pestle.

Immediately, the caffeine crystals began to fall out of the solution. Beautiful, white-glass crystals. The small amount of wax binder which had made it to the plate floated to the top. It was pippetted off and discarded. The plate was then placed on the hot plate on very low heat, with a halogen lamp above it. The crystals took deceptively long to dry. They appeared dry after about 20 minutes but, under these conditions, required about four hours to dry fully. I crushed the white crystals and put them into a little plastic vial where they stayed for a few days, until I decided to use them.
Vis hele sitatet...
Kort sagt:
- Pulveriser tablettene
- Kok vann
- Hell det kokende vannet over i hvaennduhardepulverisertepillenei, og så fort over på en tallerken.
- (Nå skal krystallene dannes)
- Varm tallerkenen til krystallene er tørre.

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